

With the advent of Spring, and the approach of a new season, the sportsman’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of racing, and second only in importance to the equipment of the new machine is the equipment ot the driver for the matter in hand.

Every sport requires the use of a particular kit, and the Sport requires a kit not only to facilitate its following but also to reduce its danger to a minimum.

The choice of racing gear is one of no little importance, as the life of a competitor has often depended upon his racing leathers or his helmet.

Of paramount importance to the racing driver is the crash helmet, essential to motor-cycle racing, and gaining steadily in favour in the eyes of car drivers.

For motor-cycle racing there is quite a wide range of helmets to select from, a matter which needs more attention than it usually gets. A well-made and well-fitting helmet can be as comfortable as the average helmet is a torment.

The Grose Crash Helmet.

One of the most comfortable helmets obtainable, and perhaps the most widely-known, is that manufactured by James Grose, Limited, of 379-381, Euston Road, NWi These helmets are made both for motor-cycle use and for car drivers. The motor-cycle racing helmet is known as the Sa-vus helmet, and is officially tested and stamped by the A.C.U. The construction of the

Savus ” may be seen at a glance in the accompanying diagram.

The efficiency of this helmet has been demonstrated on many occasions, but none more dramatic than that of the 200 Miles Race in 1924, when Mr. Allchin crashed heavily at some 95 miles per hour. That he was not killed is undoubtedly due to the ” Savus ” helmet he was wearing at the time. Almost every well-known racing motor-cyclist, at Brooklands, the T.T., or in club speed events, is • a wearer of this excellent crash helmet, which is priced

at 2S.

If desired, the helmet may be obtained with car-rolls. ‘Helmet for Car Racing., The Grose crash helmet for car racing is practically

identical with that for motor-cycle racing, except that the dome is lower to avoid wind resistance and is brought low down in a peak at the back. This helmet has been adopted by the junior Car Club, and is rapidly gaining popularity, the vogue emanating from Major Segrave and Mr. George Duller, who early took to wearing this protective device. The cost of this helmet is 45s.

It should be remembered that this helmet cannot be used for motor-cycle racing, owing to A.C.U. regulations.

Support Belt for Track Work.

An additional necessity for the track rider is the Support Belt, an excellent example of which is produced by Messrs. Grose. This belt is 8 ins, wide and shaped to fit over the hips. The strong wool, natural webbing fabric does not stretch, and is fasterfed by leather straps and buckles. The price of this belt is los. 6d.

The Cromwell Crash Helmet.

Another exceedingly comfortable helmet is that manufactured by Helmets, Ltd., of St. Albans, and known as the ” Cromwell.” This helmet is made specially to the requirements of the A.C.U., and embodies all the latest improvements in motor-racing helmets. The shock-absorbing construction is a felt pad inside the outer skull, sponge rubber absorber, an over-crown resistance, and the laced-head leather. There is a gauze ventilation at the back which renders the helmet cool in use.

Car Helmet.

Helmets, Ltd. also market an excellent car racing helmet made on the same principles as the motorcycle one, with the usual difference that the dome is lower on account of wind resistance.

In addition, this firm have produced a crash helmet for touring use, taking the form of a skull cap, to be worn inside the ordinary leather helmet or cloth cap. When in use this helmet is quite unnoticeable, and weighs but 81 ounces.

The products of Helmets, Ltd. are manufactured wholesale, and are obtainable at the usual dealers.

Meyrowitz Goggles.

Of prime importance to racing men is the choice of goggles, and judging by its popularity and widespread use, the ” Luxor ” goggle made by Meyrowitz, of Bond Street, are the best obtainable. These goggles are most comfortable in wear, and fit snugly to the eyes, allowing a very wide range of vision. This goggle is extremely popular in the air, which is a criterion of its excellence. Among the more famous users of the Meyrowitz ” Luxor” goggle are Sir Alan

Cobham, Captain Malcolm Campbell, Major Segrave, Colonel Lindburgh, and practically every airman of note.

The goggles are of Triplex Glass, or may be obtained with lenses for use by wearers of spectacles.

Racing Leathers.

Leather clothing for racing, both on road and track, is obtainable at Messrs. Grose, Ltd., of Euston Road. This firm make tan leather breeches, high at the back in a special Racing pattern, at 63s., and a racing jacket in tan leather, with sleeves, four pockets and double breasted at 5es.

Racing boots are also made by this firm in various patterns, with the lightning fastener or the ordinary lace-up pattern.

Leather racing waistcoats are also made by Helmets, Ltd., St. Albans ; and entire leather racing equipment may be had from Lewis’s, Carburton Street, Great Portland Street.