
AT this time the eyes of all motorists are turned to Daytona Beach, Florida, where tremendous things have been happening. At the time of writing, Captain Campbell, the ‘ ` Britisher Speed Wizard”—-as the U. S. Press calls him—has established another World’s Record at rather more than 206 m.p.h. Daring this run the ” Bluebird” is described as having skidded broadside on at a speed varying from 18o to 210 m.p.h., and have leapt for a distance of something between 30 and too feet, according to different eye-witnesses. It would be interesting to know precisely what passed through Campbell’s mind when that skid commenced. I suppose, really, one would.;have no time to be frightened.

Now news arrives of Mr. Frank Lockhart’s attempt on his Stutz coming to an abrupt termination in the Atlantic at an estimated speed of 225 m.p.h. The splash must have been considerable.

Mr. White’s monstrous nightmare of a machine, Whose 1500 h.p. is without any transmission to speak of, has not yet attempted anything, owing to his disqualification. Had he essayed the run, his car would probably have executed a skid twice round at 250 m.p.h., and have hurtled into the sea about five miles away— that is, if the thrills progress as they have done at each attempt so far.

It is possible, as we go to press, that Campbell may attempt to improve his figures. If so, good luck to him, and may he be able to keep ahead of all Americans, and show that whatever else we fail to do, we can still pay War Debts and drive motor-cars. * * *

Interest has been aroused by the news that Malcolm Campbell will drive a Bentley at Le Mans in June. This is the first time Captain Campbell has appeared in a race on this marque, and his performance in this type of event will be viewed with interest.

Among his team mates will be Captain H. R. S. Birkin, who is a well-known Bentley driver, and M. Jean Chassagne, the veteran driver who electrified the event last year on Aries.

This year Sammy Davis will appear on one of the new front wheel drive Alvis cars, with W. U. Dykes as a confrere. This team will, without doubt, put up an excellent performance. Davis, of course, won the event last year in company with Dr. Benj afield on a Bentley, and can be counted on to put up a good performance on the Alvis. Mr. Urquhart Dykes is a well-known amateur driver of Alvis cars. It will be remembered he finished third in the 1500 c.c. class of last year’s 200 Miles Race on a quite standard Alvis motor. Perhaps it is less well

known that Mr. Dykes takes:a secret delight in competing in the Southern Scott Scramble on a motor-cycle, without, however, the distinction which has accrued to him in four-wheeled spheres.

We have all heard of the engagement between Mr. C. F. Temple and Miss Rene Cook. Miss Cook, of course, is the well-known B.B.C. pianist, and of concert hall fame, while C. F. Temple is a name too well-known to need introduction.

Among his more brilliant achievements, Temple completed roo miles in the hour on a motor-cycle, being the first rider to do so, and made a motor-cycle World’s Record by travelling at 121.4 m.p.h.

The staggering nature of this speed on two wheels may not dawn on the car driver at once, but to the motor-cyclist to whom eighty and ninety miles an hour seem very fast, the performance verges on the incredible.

I am sure we all unite in wishing Mr. Temple and his fiancee the best of luck and happiness.

An opportunity arises for some sporting gentleman to acquire the famous Fernihough Morgan. This 600 c.c. record-breaking three-wheeler, which is the most amazingly reliable racing motor I ever heard of, is for disposal, and enquirers should address themselves to me at these offices, when I can put them in touch with the correct quarters.

The Editor tells me that, his post bag as evidence, the new League of Motor Sportsmen is going to be a big thing. All sorts of well-known drivers and riders are joining, and the ordinary sporting owner is rolling up in his legions.

If we can only band ourselves together, we shall become a power in the land, and be able to sway the destinies of the greatest of all sports, by a united spirit of fellowship and noblesse oblige.

In recognition of the part which she played in the recent Singer test at Montlhery track, the Singer Company has just presented Mrs. E. W. Deeley with a Singer Junior Saloon in a particularly dainty colour scheme. It will be remembered that Mr. and Mrs. Deeley and party drove a Singer Junior, observed by the French Touring Club, round Montlhery track for six days and nights and covered, despite very adverse weather conditions, a distance of 5,671 miles. Mr. Deeley won his wager Mrs. Deeley has now ” won ” a Singer Saloon!