

The A.C.U. Stock Motor Cycle Trial will take place from r9th to 24th March inclusive. The Trial is confined exclusively to standard motor cycles, and the A.C.U. Engineer is at present engaged in visiting manufacturers and agents in various parts of the country to select the machines. No preliminary tuning or prepara tion is permitted, and the Trial is absolutely unique in that it provides a severe and searching test of motor cycles as they are supplied to the riding public. An entry of 59 has been received, representing nineteen different makes. There are 52 solo machines, five sidecar combinations, and two three-wheelers. The fashionable 500 c.c. class has the strongest entry with 23. The following is the list of makes entered :—A.J.S., Ariel, B.S.A., Calthorpe, Cotton, Douglas, Dunelt, FrancisBarnett, Humber, James, Levis, Matchless, Morgan, New Imperial, Norton Radco, Rudge-Whitworth, Sunbeam and Triumph.

The Trial will start from Birmingham on Monday, r9th March, the weighing in taking place on the previous day. The first day’s route will be principally over main roads to Cheltenham in order to run the engines in. The next three days will be over severe trails country in the Cotswolds ; tvell-known hills such as Gamble’s Lane, Bushcombe, Stancombe and Knapp will be climbed, in addition to a number of hitherto unknown hills. On Friday the competitors will travel to Brooklands, taking in Alms Hill en route. In all some fifty hills with a gradient of r in 7 or worse will be encountered during the Trial.