Round the Clubs, March 1927


Round the Clubs


Honorary District Agents are appointed by ” Motor Sport” to further the interest in the sporting side of motoring and motor cycling. We give on this page a list of the Honorary District Agents already appointed. Through these Honorary Agents we keep in touch with local events in all parts of the country, and with their co-operation we hope to increase the popularity of motor and motor cycle sport. Honorary District Agents will be pleased, whenever

possible, to give assistance to motorists and motor cyclists, desirous of taking part in local events.

If you have any difficulty in obtaining ” Motor Sport” in your neighbourhood, the nearest Honorary District Agent will inform you how you may obtain it.

West Kent M.C.

The above club held the Wilson Trial recently, a fair percentage of the competitors completed the course which was rendered extremely difficult because of the snow, in fact many of the hills were practicably unclimbable owing to frozen snow, and the second circuit of the trial which was to have been held in the afternoon was abandoned by vote, an impromptu hill-climb was held instead on Crown Ash Hill. In the hill-climb the best performances were put up by G. Calvert (Scott sc.) in the sidecar class, and Roy Charman (Chater-Lea) in the solo class. The Wilson Cup was won by F. H. Brackpool on a Matchless combination. The B. S. Allen Cup was awarded to F. W. Neill (Matchless). Silver Medals were awarded to A. Crossland (493 Sunbeam sc.) and A. F. Tunbridge (249 Dunelt). Bronze Medals were won by G. H. Bull (292 Sunbeam sc.), C. Barclay (172 Francis

Barnett), H. W. Collier (347 Matchless), R. Charman (348 Chater-Lea), W. Langmaid (980 Matchless sc.), and H. R. Polden (499 Sunbeam).

Hurlington M.C.,

The club held a semi-sporting trial recently which included White Downs and Coombe Bottom. The results are as follows :

RUFF CuP (best solo) : A. F. W. Shaw (Raleigh) ; 2, C. Barclay (Francis-Barnett). ROSE Bow’, (Best Sidecar) : H. Brown (New Hudson

sc.) ; 2, C. Crittenden (Triumph sc.). These awards will be presented at a dance to be held by the club.

South Midland Centre A.C.U.

The chair at the annual meeting was taken by Dr. A. M. Low. The meeting was held at the Red Lion Hotel, Radlett, Herts. It was indicated by the Secretarial and financial reports that the centre was in a flourishing position. The following officers were elected : President, Dr. A. M. Low ; Chairman, Mr. W. H. Hardman ; Hon. Treasurer, Mr. F. W. S. Osborne ; Hon. Secretary, Mr. A. W. Day, ,” Claremont,” Ballards Lane, Finchley, N.3. A.C.U. Delegates : Messrs. A. W. Day, H. A. Farmer, and W. A. Matthews. A satisfactory scheme has been evolved for the smooth working of the insurance covering competitions, but the

centre hopes to secure reduced premiums for the smaller restricted events in which only a few clubs participate. The centre hopes also to organise a centre inter-club team trial, in connection with which the “News of the World” trophy won in the 1926 International Six Days Trials will be put up for competition.

It is intended to conduct a vigorous campaign with a view to securing the affiliation of all clubs in the South Midland area and the centre hopes that members of affiliated clubs will refrain from competing in events conducted by unaffiliated bodies.

South Eastern Centre A.C.U.

The South Eastern Centre recently held an informal smoking concert at the Greyhound Hotel, Croydon, a gathering of about 150 guests was present in which many of the Centre clubs were represented. Mr. Butler, the Centre’s popular chairman, occupied the chair in the absence of Mr. A. M. Low, the President. He opened the proceedings with a short speech, in which he pointed out that the gathering was the first social event of its kind to be held by the centre, and emphasised the need for clubs to pull together and help the centre by helping themselves and each other. Mr. Butler mentioned the cup presented by the Molar Cycle for the Centre’s forthcoming open trial to be held shortly and expressed the hope that it would receive a good entry. Mr. C. L. Smith seconded Mr. Butler’s remarks.

The chairman then presented the awards won in the Centre’s open trial of last year, and the company settled down to enjoy a very entertaining musical programme.

Coventry and Warwickshire M.C.

The above club recently held a trial with the object of discovering the best solo rider in the district. This year the test consisted of two short laps with a total mileage of thirty, the route lying over extremely muddy farm tracks and disused grass-grown lanes, an acceleration test being provided in case of any possible ties, on a greasy grass bank. There was not a gradient worthy of being described as a hill throughout the whole course, which was nevertheless rendered extremely difficult because of mud which was there in plenty of all descriptions. There was an entry of sixteen, unfortunately, however, three of these were non-starters, and one competitor, R. G. Elliot was put out of the running early in the trial owing to chain trouble. This left but a dozen competitors, of whom not one negotiated the Hob Goblin in a manner which could be described as clean. The two best performances were put up by R. R. Grindlay (346 Grindlay Peerless) and S. Jackson (348 A. J .S.), both of whom charged the morass at speed and floundered through with the aid of good hard footwork. The remainder of the competitors either stopped and got off and ran, or both. The way was led by F. E. Shanks on a 172 Francis Barnett, who got a good way up the slope before he stuck. Without leaving the saddle he charged his machine until he hit the hedge. He was followed by the Wright pere et fils, as usual, mounted on their 349 Humber machines. G. Wright took his time over the passage but was unable to finish it without stopping. His father was also unlucky, and took even longer as his wheel dug in the mire which made work slow. Frank

Brown (175 Rex-Acme) rode his little machine well and went quite a long way before stopping.

A. K. Austin was very energetic in propelling his 349 Rover through the mud. A. W. Brown (348 RexAcme) provided entertainment for the spectators by falling off flat into the mud and G. Butcher (494 Triumph) stopped several times. J. H. Amott (349 B.S.A.) fell before reaching the slough and then stuck in the middle.

Some thrilling performances were witnessed on the timed ascent of Chapel Green Bank, owing to the greasy surface. S. Jackson and J. H. Amott made the two fastest ascents tying with 11 4-5 seconds. D. Brandish followed with a time of 12 2-5 seconds, he completed the ascent by skidding violently at the top on a hump in the ground. G. Wright came fourth making a time of 13 seconds. R. R. Grindlay lost time through a skid which caused him to fall. A. W. Brown was unfortunate also and failed altogether. One rider turned right round but stuck to his mount and finished in 25 seconds. G. Butcher made a clever recovery after skidding badly. Spencer Avenue, a very long muddy lane, although not at its worst, was bad enough to worry the best of riders. On this section clean passages were accomplished by G. Wright, S. Jackson, Frank Brown, R. R. Grindlay, S. ‘Wright, D. Brandish, G. Butcher, and A. K. Austin.

On the second lap the performances at Hob Goblin were much as before and Cow Lane and Temple Lane needed careful negotiation to avoid the ruts which were very plentiful. Chapel Green, however, was not a serious matter as the ascents were not timed.

G. Wright provided an acrobatic display in his endeavours to negotiate Spencer Avenue in the second lap, G. Grindlay fell and got away with his rear wheel snaking badly. Prank Brown made a good climb, G. Butcher used his feet a good deal and did not seem to be enjoying the situation very much, J. H. Amott also put in some foot work, but S. Wright was very steady. The last portion of the lane caught several competitors napping for efforts to accelerate on to the better surface caused sudden skids and some footwork.

All the competitors arrived at the finish except F. E. Shanks. Although freely covered with the mud they seemed to have thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Wellington and District M.C.C.

The winter trial for the Motor Trader’s Shield held by the above club attracted a record entry. The Motor Trader’s Shield was awarded to E. A. Stewart (Ariel), who gained 72 marks and put up an excellent performance. Silver Medals were gained by N. Everest (Royal Enfield) 66 marks ; A. E. Jones (New Imperial), 651 marks in the 350 c.c. class and E. A. Stewart (Ariel) 72 marks ; N. Everest (Royal Enfield) 66 marks in the Unlimited c.c. A Silver Medal was awarded to S. R. Evanson (Norton sc.) in the sidecar class. Certificates were awarded to W. V. Jones, P. B. Savage, G. Ralphs, E. Embrey, H. Onions, W. E. Bacon, T. Stokes, and J. E. Pullin.

The club has now been in existence for over twelve months and has sixty members, the headquarters are at the Bull’s Head Hotel, Wellington. Shropshire, and the hon. sec., Mr. R. Bourne.

A New Club for Huddersfield.

Sportsmen in the Huddersfield district will soon be catered for by a new club to be called the Huddersfield and District Motor Sports Club. An option on the lease of a sporting test hill on Dalton Bank has already been secured and the site covers some 18 acres which will give ample facilities for car parking and a good view for spectators.


The above race for the Florio Cup will be held on July 17th and should attract a very large entry, and it is likely that a large number of British cars and drivers will participate.

The race consists of 30 laps of an 8.43 mile circuit, the whole distance being 253.05 miles. The course will be over good main roads mostly very straight, and will be covered in a clockwise direction so that the wellknown Iffiniac Hill will be included.

The conditions are particularly simple, as there are no restrictions concerning the amount of fuel or oil consumed, or type of body to be used. There will be five classes respectively for cars fitted with engines up to and including 1,100 c.c., 1,500 c.c., 2 litres and 3 litres and also the unlimited class which is open to cars of over 3 litres cpaacity. There will be a winner in each class, the cup being awarded to the class winner who has made the best regular running. Super chargers will not be allowed, it is presumed in order to keep the speed down.

It is quite possible that Grand Prix racing cars, three or four year old will be entered and driven by amateurs and others who at present own them, owing to the great variety of cars which will be admitted. It is possible that in point of the view of interest, and the number of entries received for the race, the famous Grand Prix races in which there were frequently more than forty starters will be resembled in the Florio Cup race of 1927.

It will be remembered that the Florio Cup which is of great value, after having been won and lost on various occasions in Italy and Sicily by seven different firms was finally won by the Peugeot concern in the eighth year that the race was held. This firm, now however, have very sportingly offered the cup up again for competition.

British Motor Cycles in American Events.

In the one-hundred miles non-stop run organised by the Acme Motor Cycle Club, the first place was secured by Mr. R. Pink, riding a 349 c.c. B.S.A., who was the first of the only four competitors out of thirty-seven entrants to finish. The same rider gained the second place in the New Year’s Eve run of the Crotona Motor Cycle Club, the premier award being just missed owing to his crashing in a violent snow storm.