CONTENTS., March 1926



Editorial Notes … . • • … … … Technical Talks. By Mr. P. T. Bersey. No. 2 On the Manufacture of Special Gears … …. About Colonial Sections. By Arnold Radclyffe … Motoring Sportsmen : M. Armand Bovier. By The Editor … • • • … • . • The Colmore Cup Trial Recent Sporting Events in Pictures Austin Seven ” Brooklands ” Super-Sports Model… Sporting Machines on Test : The A.C. Six-Cylinder Montlhery Sports. By Richard Twelvetrees The Cambridge University Speed Trials … ..• B.M.C.R.C. News Round the Clubs PAGS 279 280-282 283-286 287-288 289-291 292-293 294-296 297-300 301 302 305, 307