Round the Clubs, March 1926


Round the Clubs



A satisfactory state of affairs was reported at the annual general meeting on January 29th, at which Mr. H. W. Robinson presided. The activities of the past year were reviewed by the Hon. Secretary (Mr. J. H. Holmes), who referred to the success of the open trial

organised for the Yorkshire Centre A.C.U., and mentioned that the Club had won the Yorkshire Centre Team Championship three times in five years. Club events had been supported in a manner that had made them worth while organising, but there was still room for improvement in the matter of entries.

Mr. Herbert Payne was appointed to succeed Mr. Fred Waite as President. Mr. Duxbury retired from the treasurership, which he had occupied for four years, owing to his removal to York, and Mr. Jack Holmes was appointed his successor. Mr. J. H. Holmes was reelected Hon. Secretary. The committee is composed of the following :—Messrs. W. Bradley, C. Thackray, A. Outtersides, B. Walker, J. D. Lupton, K. Fawcett, J. Hardy, R. Dawson, H. Stephenson and J. L. Booth.

Discussing Sunday trials, Mr. W. Bradley said there was a feeling in the Club that some of the events should take place on Saturday, as some members objected to competing on Sundays. Only one event took place on Saturday last year.

Mr. Reece questioned whether more than i per cent. of the members objected to Sunday trials. The chief objection to Saturday trials was finding people who had a morning’s liberty to mark the course.

By a substantial majority the meeting decided that in the present year at least three events should take place on Saturday.

Mr. F. Marshall commented on the success of evening trials. Two were held last year and ooth were well supported. He suggested that more should be organised this year, and it was agreed that this should be a recommendation to the committee.

The Hon. Secretary reported that the Club had again been allotted a date for an open trial by the Yorkshire Centre, this would take place on August 28th. There was a probability of the Club again receiving outside assistance towards the prize fund. Mr. Duxbury expressed disappointment at the Scott Trial being taken over by the Bradford Club as a club event, and pointed out that the Ilkley Club had had more to do with the organisation of this event than any other club.

Opening trial, 1926, March 28th. Hon. Secretary, J. H. Holmes, The Garage, Station Road, Otley, Yorks.


Owing to the great popularity of the Amilcar, it has been suggested that a club should be formed for the benefit of owners.

A meeting will be arranged provided that a sufficient number of enthusiasts will communicate with H. Dawson, Peg Woffington’s Cottage, Teddington, Middlesex.

Owing to the success of one-car clubs, which already exist, it is felt that this should appeal very strongly to the owners of these real sporting cars.


This Club operates over a large area, comprising Devon and most of Somerset and Cornwall, and replaces in point of fact several of the smaller clubs. It attempts to run sporting events in a ” posh ” manner, and last season witnessed a number of well organised and excellently supported events.

The Club’s big Speed Trials at Brentor attracted entries from all parts of England, the fastest time over the flying half-mile of this wonderful course being exactly 18 secs., or loo m.p.h., by the well-known F. W. Dixon, riding a 750 c.c. Douglas. J. A. Joyce, on his famous A.C., won the cup for the fastest car, at over 90 m.p.h.

The opening event this year will be a Reliability Trial starting at Dousland, near Yelverton (between Plymouth and Tavistock), at 2.30 on Saturday, March 13th. Two laps of a 34 mile course will be completed finishing again at Dousland. Twelve Hills will be observed, but none are of a freak nature, and the course is such that any modern car or motor cycle should negotiate it with ease.

The event is open to several Clubs affiliated to the A.C.U., or applications for membership to the West of England Motor Club should be forwarded to the Secretary. The annual subscription is 15s. and 5s. entrance fee; the fee for the Trial 7s. 6d. (W.E.M.C. members 5s.). Entries close March 6th, or up to starting time on payment of an extra fee. Early entries will however receive their route cards in advance.

A special effort is being made with the organization of the event, which is being run under the Closed Competition Rules of the A.C.U. and R.A.C., and it is expected that a large and representative entry will be obtained.

A Silver Cup will be given for the best performance of the day, Silver medals for all finishing without loss of marks, and Bronzes for all finishing with more than 90 per cent. marks.

There will also be a special set of medals for a team prize. Teams nominated may consist of any three motor vehicles. Hon. Secretary’s address :— LESLIE MORRISH, Esq.,

Weycroft, Axminster.


The Burghley Sports Austin, which is already very popular among sporting owners, has recently been improved with regard to several details, chief of which perhaps is found in the new type of splayed wings, these adding considerably to the appearance of the car.

Instead of the Devil mascot originally fitted to the radiator, a baby Boyce Motormeter with wings is now supplied as standard. Rigid side curtains opening with the doors are now provided, and a small locker is fitted in the facia board.

We hope to give our readers some impressions of a test of this attractive little car in an early issue.


The 1926 edition of the Brooklands Year Book is now available. It contains the fixture list for the coining season, a list of the winners of the principal car races last year, together with their speeds, the whole of the international records, including those made abroad; a complete description of the track, with a number of useful statistics; a list of members, and the new silencer regulation. The book is well printed and the illustrations are topical and interesting. It should be in the hands of everybody who follows the sporting side of motoring.

Price Is., from the Secretary, B.A.R.C., 83, Pall Mall, London, S.W.


The first annual dinner was held at Deller’s Café, Exeter, on Saturday, January 23rd. Members came from all parts of the West, and the function can be said to have been a great success. The most interesting item of the evening’s proceedings was the presentation of a silver cigarette case to Lieut. H. G. Dobbs on his Isle of Man success. After dinner there was a well arranged musical programme, followed by the presentation of the chief awards of the season. The winners being :

Speed Trial.

R.N.E. College Cup—F. W. Dixon Treasurer Cup—J, A. Joyce. Grant Cup—S. Harrison Smith. Novice Cup—R. E. Kestell. Pike Cup—G. Ross.

Yeovil-Land’s End.

. Kite Cup—R. C. Clarke. Moffat Cup—Honiton No. 2 Team.

Opening Trial. Duke Cup—W. Peters.

Half-Day Taunton Trial.

South-Western Cup—F. K. M. Knill. Spiller Cup—J. E. Day.

It is interesting to note that out of the twelve members who rode in the London-Exeter nine .gained gold medals and two silver medals.

For the coming season four reliability trials have been arranged, and as these all come early in the year, they ought to be well supported. The first event to take place on March 6th. The Yeovil-Land’s End, as usual, will be run at Whitsun. The committee is endeavouring to arrange a speed trial, and have a good stretch of sand in view, easily accessible, and if their efforts are successful it ought to be the event of the year as far as motoring in the West is concerned.

Particulars of all events may be obtained from the Hon. Secretary, Mr. G. L. Morrish, Weycroft, Axminster, Devon.