The British Motor-Cycle Racing Club



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(Affiliated to the Auto-Cycle Union). Vice-President :

PROFESSOR A. M. LOW. D.Sc., A.C.G.I. Hon. Secretary:

A. GEO, REYNOLDS, 95, Fillebrook Road, Leytonstone, E. 11.

Under this heading will be reported from month to month the doings and features of the World’s Premier Racing Club.

MUCH appreciation has been expressed, both by members of the B.M.C.R.C. and followers interested in Speed and Track events, at the appearance of these monthly notes reporting the activities of the Club.

The Opening Meeting of the season takes place on Saturday, March 20th, commencing at 2 p.m. Nine events have been arranged for and entries are already very promising for a successful afternoon.

The Committee, in fixing the events for the Opening Meeting, had in mind the full encouragement for the “new man” making his debut at speed. Although named a Novice Handicap, open to riders unconnected with the trade, the entry list will include some of the older hands, but who to be eligible to compete must conform to the regulation and be the bona fide owner of the machine ridden and not been placed as a first prize winner in any B.M.C.R.C. race held during the season of 1925.

The race of the afternoon will probably be the 3-Lap Expert Handicap, confined to trade riders whose speeds are fairly well known to the handicapper, and should provide a good finish over the line.

The three Scratch Races for the solo machines, 350 c.c., 500 c.c. and 1,000 c.c., always create a large amount of interest, which will in no way be lessened as there are several new designs of engines, and in some instances an old hand will be competing with a machine that has not previously been favoured with expert handling.

The Track will be opened on Monday, March 8th, and will be available for practising any day for Motor Cycles excepting Mondays and Thursdays. Many enquiries are made as to the exact definition of a Private Member of the Club. The rule is, that a Private Owner must in no way be interested in the motor industry or employed directly or indirectly by any agent in such trade. It is generally recognised that a Private Member has not the same time to use the track as a Trade representative, and therefore the subscription is reduced owing to this fact. Races that are confined to Private Members must be competed for on machines which are their own property, but a Private

Member is not excluded from being nominated as a rider by any entrant member in races that are not confined to bona fide private owners riding machines their own property. In such cases Private Members driving machines so nominated are entitled to score their markings for the aggregate Cups offered. * *

In accordance with the New Competition Rules issued by the Auto-Cycle Union, the B.M.C.R.C. is now affiliated to the governing body as a Non-Territorial Club and represented direct on the General Council. At the last Committee Meeting Mr. H. Le Vack was appointed as the Club’s delegate. * *

The activities of some of the clubs which in past seasons have promoted speed events at the track have been curtailed owing to the agreement made as the result of the action taken by Brooklands residents. The Club has arranged that invitations will be given to certain clubs to put up a race to be included in the programmes confined to its own members.

It was mentioned in the February issue of these notes that some of the long-distance classics held by Continental riders should disappear from the book of records before its next issue. It is hoped that this will be so, as an early attempt is being made as soon as the track settles down after its “Annual.”

The Club has again been very generously promised valuable silver cups for competition during the year and prizes of considerable value have been offered by the following gentlemen :—Sir Chas. Wakefield, the Proprietors of Brooklands, Messrs. J. A. Prestwich, E. J. Pittock, Walker Bros., H. J. Knight, H. W. Mathers, R. M. N. Spring, E. J. Anderson, F. R. G. Spikins, D. R. O’Donovan, G. E. Tottey, J. Linton, Arnold Hill, Col. R. N. Stewart, West Kent Club, J. S. Worters, Rex Munday, j. A. Welch, A. W. Russell, J. M. Noakes, the Manager, Cafe Royal, R. Newitt, Barlow Tyler, Dobson and Sons, H. Le Vack, C. G. Pullin, R. Harveyson, H. L. Buckley, The Motor Cycle. * * * *

A few booklets are still to be had on application, giving a full list of 1925 prize winners with the speed of races at which they were won and fastest lap speeds. This is a very useful list and will give the answer to the question so often asked by prospective members as to whether a machine is fast enough.