

Speed Event to Select Team for the Inter-Varsity Hill Climb.

The Cambridge University M.C.C. held a Speed Trial at Wimpole Hall on February 13th, for the purpose of selecting a team for the Inter-Varsity Hill Climb at Henley Park on March 6th.

The course, which was just short of half a mile in length, had a fairly sharp right and left hand bend with reverse camber, which produced some very fine corner work. The first man away, E. W. H. Dobson (498 A.J.S.), was not over impressive, and his performance was improved upon by R.P.H. Stables (498 Scott) who took the corner at a finely judged speed. The fastest motor cycle time was made by C. Aschan (348 A.J.S.) and B. C. Fernihough showed that his old side valve 249 c.c. New Imperial was still good for high speeds.

F. J. R. Heath (1,301 Henderson) accelerated at an astonishing pace but did not reach any great speed, his engine apparently suffering from oily plugs. M. N. Mavrogordato (498 Scott) covered the course very neatly, but had not enough speed, whilst L. I. Leslie on a similar machine, with one cylinder out of action, put up a fearful wheel wobble, which he corrected skilfully without reducing his pace.

J. R. Simpson (348 New Gerrard) and R. C. Symondson (Brough S.S.Ioo) made very fast runs, the latter trying his machine out for the first time. In the three-wheel class, E. C. Fernihough created something of a sensation by turning up with a home (See Illustrations

built Fernihough-Morgan fitted with a 499 c.c. single port J.A.P. engine, which despite its weird appearance and gymnastic performance, covered the course at a remarkable speed.

G. M. Leitch was the star turn in the sidecar class on his 348 Cotton. The results of the Trials were as follows :—


350 c.c,—I, C. Aschan (A.J.S.),.S11°. .’), 24IS. (55.I fastest

time of day); 2, J. R. Simpson (New Gerrard), 25.95.; 3, r. c. Pernihough (249 New Imperial), 26.38. 500 c.c.–r, C. Aschan (345 A.J.S.), 24I5.; 2, R. P. H. Stables (Scott), 25s.; 3, A. Shortus (348 Cotton), 26.4s. UNLINtrrup.—I, R. C. Symondson (Brough Superior), 25.1$.; 2,R. P. H. Stables (498 Scott), 25.5s.; 3, A. Shortus (348 Cotton),



600 c.c.—r, E. C. Fernihough (490 Morgan), 28.7s.; 2, G. M. Leitch (348 Cotton sc.), 34.8s.; 3, C. H. Burder (348 Cotton sc.), 35.3s. E. C. Pernihough (490 Morgan), 28.7s.;

2,S. S. H. Sitwell (998 Montgomery sc.), 35.4s.

CARS UNDER r,5oo c.c. r. W. S. Braidwood (G.N.) •••

28.58. 2. R. R. Jackson (Frazer Nash)

29.4s. 3.. N. Walduck (Alvis) •••


CARS. I. H. Martineau (Vauxhall) ••• •••

28.15. 2. W. S. Braidwood (G.N.) • 6 •

28.5s. on page 306.)