Round the Clubs, March 1925


Round the Clubs


The annual meeting of the Ulster M.C.C. is always an event of outstanding importance in motor cycling trials in Northern Ireland, and this year there was an added interest by reason of the phenomenal success of the club during the past season. The membership of the club is now 16o, compared with 140 a year ago ; and tlig following figures speak for themselves : Funds at inauguration of club in January, 1921, nil ; balance at end of first year, 19 5s. 5d. ; balance at end of second year, £87 15s. 8d. ; yearly profit, £68 105. 3d. ; balance at end of 1923,

234 35., yearly profit, £146 7S. 4d. ; balance at end of present season, &26 18s. 2d., yearly profit, 192 15s. 2d.

The president, in moving the adoption of the reports, said that from whatever point of view they regarded them they were very striking documents, and were great tributes to the vitality of the organisation and conspicuous testimonials to the way in which the club had been managed during the year.

Referring to the balance sheet, Mr. Moles mentioned the fact that the profit from one of the Magilligan events alone was as big as he remembered the whole turnover of the Ulster Centre in the old days, while the profit on the Grand Prix would more than run the Centre for a whole year. The revenue from the Grand Prix from various sources was 727 odd, while the total income of the club was over &,297. What was most gratifying of all was that there stood to the credit of the club a balance of i’426 odd. The reports were then passed.


The above Club reports a successful season’s work and a substantial financial balance. The Secretary attended several meetings of the R.A.C., to which the Club is affiliated, and different matters put before that body by the Club received careful consideration. The following officials were elected for the 1925 Season :—

President : J. T. MORRISOIsl.

Patron : W. B. Ellis. Chairman : W. J. Martin.

Hon. Sec. : E. Willan. Treasurer : C. G. Urvdn.

Sports’ Secretary : J. K. Morrison.

The programme of events is in course of preparation, and will be announced in a later issue.


The financial report presented at the annual meeting of the Middlesbrough and District Motor Club showed that the balance had increased from &19 to £223.

Mr. John Gjers was re-elected President, and it was intimated that he had presented a gold cup to be won outright for a 50-mile handicap race at Saltburn next year.

Mr. A. V. Buttress was re-elected Secretary, Mr. T. Ainslie, Financial Secretary, and Mr. F. Shepherd was elected Captain.

Another addition to the Club’s trophies was a cup presented by Mr. Geoffrey Liddle in memory of his son, who was killed motor cycling last year, the trophy to be known as the ” G. M. Liddle Memorial Cup,” and to be the premier prize in a reliability trial for novices.


The report of the Annual Meeting of the above Club reached us too late for inclusion in the February issue. The meeting was held at the Royal Automobile Club on January 26, and was very well attended. Full details of the Club’s progress and activities during the past season were included in the Secretary’s report, the principal events being the 200 Mile Races and the B.M.C. R.C. Championships. During the season 65 races had attracted 777 entries, the total prize value amounting to nearly Lloo.

It was remarked that as 68 per cent, of the membership represented private owner membership, it could not be actually considered as a trade or professional membership.

Part of the proceedings were occupied by the presentation of the Bates Cup, for the best One Hour Record performance, this being awarded to Mr. H. le Vack, who replied with an expression of thanks to Messrs. W. and A. Bates and the Club.

Discussion then took place in regard to the events and dates for the ensuing season. Mr. A. V. Ebblewhite announced that several valuable cups had been offered to the Club for competition during the season, and, in addition to these, Col. F. Lindsay Lloyd offered four silver cups on behalf of the Brooklands proprietors. The following dates were announced for the 1925 meetings :—

March 21, April II, May 16, June (Mid-Week Meeting), July 18, August 15, September 19 and October 10.


At the annual dinner and prize distribution, members made a present of a handsome mahogany clock to Mr. and Mrs. George Alderson in recognition of their services as hon. secretary and assistant hon. secretary respectively.

Mr. W. K. Hanning gave a glowing report of the club and its progress. The membership, he said, was iio, of which number nearly 80 per cent, had supported the sporting events during the season.



