
“iftil7tillablr_114.1:AVar.=4:111Protlffiraurt.N444.—w_ter. ›•• VI The BROONLA ZETTE ;:•*-«; “ov itS,,X1rMv—”,..:Z014.10:16>%■

MARCH, 1925

The only Organ devoted entirely to the Sport of Motor Car and Motor Cycle Racing and Competitions.


Editorial Notes … The Evolution of MARTIN • • • the Sporting Car. By LioNEL . • • • • . • • • • • • • The Monte Carlo Automobile Rally (Illustrations) Motoring Sportsmen : Capt. Malcolm Campbell With the Hounds on a Motor Cycle. By ARNOLD

RADCLYPPE • • • ‘ • • • • • • • The Record Breaking ” Lanchester “… Motor Racing Past and Present (Illustrations) Motor Cycle Speedmen : R. E. Humphreys …

Facts about Brooklands. By Capt. A. W. PHILLIPS, M.C. How Special Camshafts are Made. By F. T. Bunsriv, M.I.A.E. • • • • • • • • . • • • I • • • • •

Sporting Machines on Test : The ” 68o ” Zenith. By A.A.R. • • •

” Hotting-Up “a Standard Model—Part II … Remedies for Front Wheel Oscillation, By “THE CHARGE HAND”

Round the Clubs… • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PAGE 331 332-334 334 335-336 338-339 340-343 344-345 346 347-348 349-35 352-353 354-356 357-358 359-360


All contributions, whether literary, artistic or photographic, will be carefully considered by the Editor. A stamped, addressed envelope should be sent with every contribution, and the Editor will endeavour to re/urn all matter he is unable to accept. Neither the Editor nor the proprietors are responsible for the loss of any contributions.


Club Secretaries are specially invited to send the Editor paragraphs about the activities of their Clubs, and, in particular, notice of forthcoming events. All reports of comPetitions, meetings and other events should be sent to the Editor as early as possible, and must be received by the 20th of the month, to ensure attention for the next issue. Address contributions to : The Editor, THE BROOKLANDS GAZETTE, 65, Victoria Street, London. S.W .1.

Our Editorial Notes this month must be very brief, thanks to the contributors who have supplied the interesting articles included in this issue. Besides, who wants to read Editorial Notes, anyhow ?

We have received many interesting communications from correspondents, and thank those who have written to us ; but here again pressure on our pages prevents the inclusion of their letters. We hope to devote some space to correspondence in the April issue.

The inclusion of the special articles on ” The Evolution of the Sporting Car,” “Facts about Brooklands,” and “How Special Camshafts are Made” will, we feel sure, appeal to many of our readers. They are written by acknowledged authorities on the subjects, and reveal many things which hitherto have been more or less regarded as secret. * *

We understand that the old question of the noise at Brooklands is about to come to a head, for it appears that several Weybridge residents and the St. George’s Hill Estate are bringing an action on the grounds that the noise of the racing machines constitutes a public nuisance, and causes deterioration in the value of the property near by. While many motorists will have their views on this particular subject, we will refrain from making any comments at present, but in due course the matter will receive proper attention in our columns. * *

-Everything seems to indicate that the 1925 racing season will be one of extraordinary interest, both on the Brooklands and Continental tracks. Club events and hill climbs will attract very large entries. As usual, THE BROOKLANDS GAZIME will report all events in full.