Attack on the 24-hour World's Record. / The Amilcar Grand Sports Model.


Attack on the 24-hour World’s Record.

On the 22nd inst. Major H. 0. D. Seagrave and Mr. J. G. P. Thomas made an attempt to reduce the world’s 24-hour record established by MM. Martin and Gros on a Bignan car. This record was put up at Montlhery on October loth, 1924, when the average of 122.083 kilometres per hour was accomplished.

Messrs. Seagrave and Thomas drove a 2-litre Grand Prix Sunbeam, and based their running table on an average speed of 160 km. per hour, but at the moment of going to press the official result is not available.

The Amilcar Grand Sports Model.

We learn that Mr. Vernon Balls, of 25, High Street, Fulham, S.W., has recently supplied Grand Sports Model Amilcars to Mr. J. G. P. Thomas, Major H. 0. D.

Seagrave, and Capt. D. Shipwright. It is probable that in the near future other well-known racing men will be acquiring these wonderful little machines, which are expected to give good accounts of themselves in forthcoming race meetings at Brooklands and elsewhere.