Le Mans 1990: You were there

Le Mans had a new look in 1990, with two chicanes bisecting the Hunaudières Straight to cap top speeds. Mick Miller was there to see Jaguar’s most recent win

Track invasion at the 1990 Le Mans 24 Hours

Post-race invasion to greet winning Jaguar drivers Martin Brundle, John Nielsen and Price Cobb on the podium. Note flag on the left in support of 1988 victor Jan Lammers

Porsche 962C speeds past the pits at the 1990 Le Mans 24 Hours

Obermaier Racing’s Porsche 962C flashes past the ancient Le Mans pits, which were soon to be replaced

Dunlop Bridge at night in the 1990 Le Mans 24 Hours

Dusk at the Dunlop Curve. It was around this point that Nissan’s challenge began to unravel, when Gianfranco Brancatelli collided with Aguri Suzuki’s Toyota

Fans with a Jaguar flag at the 1990 Le Mans 24 Hours

Jaguar’s return to Le Mans during the 1980s amplified the scale of the annual British invasion. The Coventry marque hasn’t chased an outright victory since 1991

Repsol 962C in the 1990 Le Mans 24 Hours

The Repsol 962C of Oscar Larrauri, Jesús Pareja and Walter Brun retired with engine failure

Joest Porsche 962C at the 1990 Le Mans 24 Hours

The Joest Porsche 962C of Bob Wollek, Stanley Dickens and Louis Krages came home eighth

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