Ford Ts at Brooklands


Apart from the usual attendance at the forthcoming Brooklands Reunion on July 26, pre-war Ford cars will be welcome, especially Model-Ts, in order to recall the Ford gymkhana of 1939 and not forgetting, I hope, the two races for standard Model-T Fords with their 3¾ x 4in four-cylinder engines of 2893cc.

The first of these races, in 1912, had 13 entrants and was won by Coulhard Bate. The second race, in 1925, was watched by Henry Ford and attracted 10 entries. Alfred Moss, Stirling’s father, won a 75mph Short Handicap in his 2.8-litre Fronty Ford Speedsport, his flying lap at 85.13mph, in spite of a slight oil fire.