Sensational 54 cars for Monaco
The biggest 3-litre F1 field ever!
Looking for just one excuse to attend the Monaco Historic GP on May 20/21? Here’s the extraordinary list of entries, split into two races.
Amon: Peter Williams (F101)
Brabham: Duncan Dayton, Robert Baker (BT33), Manfredo Rossi di Monterlera (BT42), Huberus Bahlsen (BT45B)
BRM: Brad Krause (P126), Robs Lamplough (P133), Rick Hall (P180), Jacques Nicolet (P201)
Cooper: Massimo Comelli (T86B), Ron Maydon (T86C)
Ensign: Jean-Pierre Richelmi (N175)
Ferrari: Jean Guikas (312B3), Walter Burani, Giancarlo Casoli (both 312T), Chris MacAllister (312T2), John Bosch (312T3)
Hesketh: Graham Wilcox (308C)
Lotus: Katsuaki Kubota (49B), Alistair Morrison, Christophe d’Ansembourg (both 72), Keiichi Murakami (72D), Jean-Louis Duret (76), Christopher Locke, Nico Bindels (both 77)
March: Christophe Caternet (701), Mike Wrigley (711), David Brown (721), Rodrigo Gallego, Peter Dunn (both 761)
Matra: David Coplowe (MS120B), Yves Saguato (MS120C)
McLaren: Andrea Burani (M19A), Lorina McLaughlin, Joachin Folch, Steve Earle (all M23), Frank Lyons (M26)
Penske: Frank Sytner, Paul Edwards (both PC3)
Shadow: Scotty Taylor (DN3), Othmar von Diemar, Danny Baker (both DN5)
Surtees: Judy Lyons )TS9), James Hanson (TS9B), Chris Perkins (TS16), Mauro Serra (TS19)
Techno: Giuseppe Bianchini (PA123)
Tyrrell: John Delane (001), Ryan Delane (006), Martin Stretton, Mauro Pane (both P34), Andrea Bahlsen (008)
Williams: Andrew Wareing (FW06)
Wolf: Peter Wuensch (WR1)