Driven to distraction



Bill Boddy makes some excellent points about the government’s proposed new penalties for speeding drivers. To improve driving standards by threatening drivers with legal sticks serves only to address a symptom of poor driving whilst doing nothing to tackle its causes.

Observation, anticipation and car control are all vitally important in safe driving, yet they are seldom mentioned in road safety campaigns. The camera which prosecutes the trained, safe driver at 70mph on a clear road turns a blind eye to the fool who overtakes at 50mph on the same road in fog. Unfortunately, the ‘Speed Kills’ slogan combines the two great modern virtues of apparent simplicity and a thin veneer of accuracy.

If we want better drivers, the government needs to take driver training seriously, improving the standard of the basic driving test and funding continuing training and education much as the Institute of Advanced Motorists and RoSPA do voluntarily.


Mark McCarthur-Christie, The Association of British Drivers