Enough Hectoring



I enjoyed the Brabham stories in your May issue, but am still reeling from your choice of cover photograph. Why, when you could have featured such Brabham legends as Black Jack himself, Denny Hulme, Dan Gurney, _Jacky Ickx, Niki Lauda or Nelson Piquet, did you choose that archetypal mega-buck no-mark, Hector Rebaque?

Still, I should be grateful that you didn’t run Motor Sport’s first Rebaque cover last year. Had you done so, an over-excited Ricardo Rosset might have construed it as precedent enough to request that I feature him on the cover of F1 Racing. And that would never do.

I am, yours, etc. Matt Bishop, Group Editor, F1 Racing, Crouch End

That wouldn’t be the same F1 Racing that plastered the archetypal poverty-stricken, super-talent Pedro Diniz all over its cover would it? And would you, by any chance, be related to the Matt Bishop who wrote the well remembered ‘Move over Mika. How Coulthard can humble Hakkinen’ cover-line?

I put a Brabham on the cover. Hector Rebaque just happened to be inside it. That’s the same Hector Rebaque who missed the podium by one place three times in a single season. -ed.