Blast from the past



I cannot remember whether the Yimkin shown on page 347 (Motor Sport, April 1987) was the prototype, but certainly this particular car (reg XYN 160) did not have the rear axle located by an A-frame device as the text suggests; such location was effected by Packard rod and Watts linkage. After Don Sim’s departure from Yimkin Engineering, the car continued to be used — sometimes for a quick blast up the road hoping to avoid the swarm of Goggomobils that occupied a hive at the top of Cadogan Lane. Fortunately, the brakes (pre-disc) were very good —”markay mushkin” as Sim might have said. I remember Nobby Spero doing much the same in his 250F in Astwood Mews.

The Yinikin remained tolerably competitive in events until the end of 1963, when it was retired.

Yimkin Engineering, by this time owned by the charming Mrs Herbert, went into decline with the demise of the “stage-tuning” boom. It was again sold, and quietly slipped away along with so many of the interesting businesses which could be found in the mews of pre-property boom London.

Dermot Elworthy, Grange Park, Swindon