

Steam cars can be said to be a law unto themselves, and those who advocate them may be interested to know that the spring issue of the magazine of the National Traction Engine Trust, Steaming, contained an article and front cover picture relating to Stanley steam cars, by an owner living in Tennessee. He intends to drive his 1910 example round Britain later this year.

A Stanley Museum photograph with the aforementioned Stanley steamer article shows the Denver branch of the Stanley Motor Carriage Co as it was before WW1 — a modest showroom with three 20hp Stanley steamers and two petrol cars outside. The latter would appear to be a Moon and a Matheson Six, as the adjacent Vreeland Bros Auto Co was agent for the. and Rauch & Lang electrical equipment. The Moon has carriage-type sidelamps, and none of the cars is registered.

Rated one of the best steam gatherings in the country, with a strong supporting programme of every kind of historic engine and vehicle, the Bishop’s Castle Traction Engine Rally in Shropshire will be held over the August Bank Holiday. Details from DW Goddard, 29 Nibs Heath, Montford Bridge, Shrewsbury SY4 1HL. WB