V to C events


Brooklands will have something of a pre-war atmosphere again this year, with club meetings being held on the 30-acre site. Fixtures include the Riley, Bean and Trojan Day on July 12, Alvis Day on September 27, and 750 MC A7 Day on October 4.

Congratulations to Tom Threlfall, who has taken over the editing of Triple, the magazine of the MCC. This is the oldest British motor club (having been founded in 1901) and its history is continued in the current issue.

The Exeter and Land’s End Trials are now behind us, but there is the Edinburgh Trail on October 3, and the mixed car and bike Silverstone Race Meeting on October 17.

Godfrey Oxley-Sidey, who once had an Ulster A7, says a very original 1930 blown Ulster, owned by Douglas Baird (Reg VC 2409), recently took part in the Manx Classic CC Run. He has met Derek Buckler’s son, Malcolm, who regularly uses one of his late father’s Buckler Specials and has the 1959 BB100 prototype backbone-chassis car. This has recently returned to the road, and will be entered for the Hillbury hill-climb after TT week. WB