Moving Pictures


John Andrews has issued a supplement to Keep Moving, the history of his family and firm of Solomon Andrews, which we have referred to previously. Among its many old photographs is a remarkable one of a wedding reception whose line-up of cars was led by the Talbot landaulette of S Andrews & Sons’ Cardiff garage and ten identical sleeve-valve Daimler landaulettes. Other pictures show Emile Andrews’ Metallurgique outside the Pwllheli Tramway depot (photographed in about 1919 by its chauffeur McQuire, who left to drive for the Fligelstone family for more than 50 years), Andrews with the Daimler which replaced the Metallurgique (driven for him by Mike Lyons for some 20 years), a 1930s Chevrolet van used by David Evans’ drapery store, and the Roath Mews stables converted into a workshop, with what is thought to be Walter Andrews’ 1923 Oakland tourer in the foreground. WB