VSCC / MAC Shelsley Pre-View


The Midland AC, founded in 1901, put on an ambitious Press Day at its historic Shelsley Walsh hill on May 2nd, to introduce Presspersons to this famous venue. Helped by the VSCC, timed climbs were demonstrated by representative pre-war cars, after which rides were available, at intended lower speeds. MOTOR SPORT staff, who know all about Shelsley, were present in some force and I much enjoyed my rides up the hill. First, with Tony Jones on the ex-Barker 60 hp Napier, running as smoothly as ever, then in the BHD with Robin Parker, who didn’t hang about while the old warrior was banging on both and, taking the Esses close in, hit the famous drain, rope from the clutch pedal aiding transmission grip, and finally with David Sewell in the twin-magneto Type 13 Bugatti, which ran up to 5,000 rpm as it accelerated away and had unexpectedly “retardive” brakes. A grand day, with hospitality laid on at the Bridge Hotel at nearby Stamford Bridge. Thank you, MAC.

All this was a pre-view of the great day at Shelsley Walsh on July 8th that will conclude the VSCC’s week of Jubilee celebrations and for which, to date, there are already 57 entries, from 1902 Paris-Vienna Mors and the 1908 GP Itala, the latter driven to the pre-view, to post-war Frazer Nash.
