VSCC replies



“Cynics among the onlookers suggested that only sponsorship makes racing that close . .!” was the comment in your report of the dice between the Hon Patrick Lindsay and Donald Day in the Haggar Trophy race at the VSCC April Silverstone meeting.

The implication was obviously that prize money was at stake. May I make it clear that all Messrs. Lindsay and Day were racing for was the privilege of holding the Haggar Trophy for one year, and a pint tankard which the winner is allowed to keep? The sponsorship money from the Haggar Company, for which we are duly grateful, is used for the furtherance of vintage racing for the benefit of everybody, not merely the drivers taking part in the Haggar Trophy race. Due to ignorance of this fact, the inference that Donald Day lapped slower in a later cosponsored race because there was no money at stake was thus unfair to this very sporting driver who has been racing for tankards in VSCC events in his ERA R14B for nearly a quarter of a century.

Newbury, Berks
Peter Hull
Secretary, VSCC