Miniatures News, June 1981


The cult of the expensive child’s car seems to be growing. The latest of which we have heard is made by Hamilton Brooks & Co. of Hereford, who also make Morgan and Triumph TR7 children’s cars. Their latest is a Saudia-Williams F1 miniature, commissioned by Williams Grand Prix Racing Ltd. — just the thing for the offspring of wealthy Arabs! It is a half-scale replica, driven by an electric motor. The little car emulates the real thing in having a glass-fibre body and the unique green steering-wheel. The Saudia-Williams Grand Prix team has ordered four of these cars. There is two-speed running gear, giving a top speed of some 15 m.p.h., and the model is aimed at children of from six to ten years of age. Nine-year-old Tony Brooks did some of the test-driving. It is said that the price of the production model will be “substantial”. — W.B.