Common Sense!


Common Sense!

We are glad to be able to report that when speed-limits were being discussed by Nottingham County Council earlier this year, the Chief Constable, Mr. Charles McLachlan, expressed the opinion that speed-limits that are too low bring all others into disrepute and that for motorists to respect such limits they must be effective and reasonable. The Police, he said, are often accused of persecuting the innocent motorist but it is not the Police who are guilty but those who have not got the speed-limits right. The great majority of motorists arc law-abiding, he continued, and they have the right to expect uniformity of speed limits nationally. Hc said that residents views were important but should not have overwhelming priority. The Chief Constable was opposed by a Labour Councillor but he was supported by the Vice-Chairman, Mrs. J. Jenkni-Jones, who stated that increases in speed limits did not bring traffic speeding through urban areas, and the County Planning and Transport Director pointed out that national evidence shows that accidents did not increase when speed limits werc relaxed, and they could fail —Wet