Childish Egos


Childish Egos

I was horrified to leant that the South African Grand Prix for next year has been “cancelled” pending the outcome of an inquiry concerning a certain FIA member’s restriction from the victory rostrum area following this year’s event. I am not qualified to argue whether on technical or safety related merit the race should be in jeopardy but since it appears the decision was not based on such valid reasons anyway I felt compelled to make a comment. It is reassuring to those of us powerless to have direct input to a sport that we love so dearly, that those individuals who are “in control” have the best interests of Grand Prix racihg at bean and base their decisions on the direction of the sport with that in mind rather than using juvenile -emotional displays of tmearned “power” to satisfy

their childish egos!

How is it that the racing fraternity tolerates the sanctimonious, imrnature personalities of those non-qualified individuals who have somehow manipulated themselves into positions of control based on cocktail/political garbage rather than through genuine contributions to the sport. FIA is simply “out-to-lunch” as this recent episode so blatantly demonstrates, as so magnificently portrayed by their dubious leader. Who is Mr. Balestre and why is he tolerated?

I call for the removal of FIA influence on Grand Prix racing and in particular its present figurehead. Return read racing to the competitors, constructors, and drivers with whom the best interests and future of the sport exists. Therein lies the pulse and spirit of the sport, not with those pompous parasitic “celebrities” who obviously are more interested in their pruning feathers! San Antonio, Texas DOUGLAS IVAN