Batten Spcials


Batten Spcials

A copy of your Jan. 1980 issue has been shown some in connection with the letter from Mr. Guy Burroughs on V8 specials. A friend thought that the car mentioned by Mr. Burroughs and shown in the photographs might have been an early model of those built by my (ather, Mr. J. D. Batten in the 1920’s and 1930’s at Beckenham, Kent.

Unfortunately, my father’s memory of the details concerning the cars he built is now not very good, but perhaps Mr. Burroughs might remember whether his car could have come originally from the Batten stable? In my father’s defence I may say that it could.not have been in its original “livery” as, judging frees photos, all the Battens were good-looking cam!

You have apparently had an article and correspondence on V8 Specials and I would be interested to know if Batten Specials were mentioned — or even his earlier models which included Beckenham. Barson and Salmon Specials, of which I know nothing apan from the teases. He also built one for a Mr. H. Norman Thompson.

I regret that I have become interested in these cars rather late, and that my father is no longer able to answer all my questions, but you might be interested in what I do know, and the details given might encourage anyone who has any further knowledge to contact Me.

Onc car (DKM 651) is still alive and well and in the possession of its original owner, Mr. Harold Indenvick of Sussex. Another, a coupe IDLE 2321, was built for the late Lord Plunkett and after his death was bought by a Mr. Murray West, whose present whereabouts are unknown to me. A third, a four-seater open tourer, which we ran ourselves, was sold to a Mr. Nethercott in 1946 or ’47. He removed the rear seats and used it in competitions. It’s number was CKN 923. Them was also a racing version (CRR 191), alummituri-bodied, and with 8 Arnal down-draught carburetters. According to photos and articles in my father’s possession there Were at least two others, with reg. nos. YY 7062 and KO 2712, and there may have been more.

If anyone knows anything further about any of these cars, or any others connected with The Beckenham Motor Company (the name of the Company which my father ran), which out in High Street, Beckenham, we should be most interested to hear from them. If they have photos or articles, and would be prepared to send them to me for copying, I would, of course. take the greatest care of them, and pay any postal charges. Luttenvorth WA. WARREN (Mrs.)