Your Book of Racing & Sports Cars


“Your Book of Racing& Sports Cars” by John Coleman. 88 pp. 6 1/4 in. 8 1/4 in. (Faber & Faber, 3, Queen Square, London, WC1N 5.AU. 2.35)

This is a quick introduction to the history of motor racing. aimed presumably at the younger generation, who should enjoy the good pictures, supplemented by less effective drawings. If I should be flattered that I have been quoted on a number of pages, I could have wished that the author had not recommended to his young readers my “Fifty Years of Brooklands”, which I understand is now virtually unobtainable. He also recommends my more comprehensive “History of Brooklands Motor Course”, the latter now being revised and soon to be available, at a price which will, I think, make this Faber & Faber offering seem pretty costly! As a present for a motor-minded child Coleman’s book has merit; I see he has added another, dubious, version of how Parry Thomas was killed.
