An Historic Lotus



As an avid reader of your excellent journal I am writing to you in the hope that you may be able to help me. I am currently rebuilding the Lotus No. 7 as mentioned in the History of Lotus. This number was subsequently withdrawn when the car was sold to the Clairemonte brothers without engine or gearbox, the original ERA engine having been blown up in tests. The car was then fitted with a Lea-Francis engine and raced in Formula Two. Later a damaged Connaught 2-litre engine was bought and parts fitted. Any information available on the Connaught Formula 1-2-litre engine would be appreciated. The engine now is a dry-sumped 2-litre unit on four Amal 1OTT9 carbs, twin Scintilla distributors, 8-plug large-valve alloy head sealed on Wills rings. The gearbox is Aston Martin, Hildebrand 4-speed differential inboard brakes and a De Dion rear end. The front end has inboard suspension. The car is now a 2-seater sports/racing car. It was apparently converted by the Clairemonte brothers in 1953-54 though the car was first built in 52-53. Any photos or details of the car would be appreciated as the rear body panel is missing. Also where may one obtain spares for the Scintilla distributors. The details of the differences between the Connaught and Lea Francis engines would be most useful.


[Can any reader help Mr. Southworth to restore this interesting car?—Ed.]