We are blushing!



If my aunt in Beds, hadn’t given a Christmas present of a subscription to your marvellous magazine I would never have bought the 1934 Lancia Augusta March Special tourer advertised on page 1397 of the December issue. I stopped subscribing to similar American magazines and even dropped out of the Vintage Sports Car Club after 21 years, because Motor Sport has everything I want to read in one magazine. I am glad to be back in your “fold”. I used to subscribe in 1947 to 1951.

But besides praising your magazine, I need help in locating a purely ornamental part that is missing from my Lancia. I wonder if any of your readers could furnish me with photos, pictures, or drawings of the fin that originally graced the boot-lid. Two other similar cars are also shorn of this aesthetic touch of the Earl of March.

I will be driving the car at the Lancia Club’s Reunion at Beaulieu and Oxford from July 16-21. I founded the American Lancia Club in 1956.

Hayden Shepley – Delaware, USA.

[Can anyone help?—Ed.]