Rolls-Royce Armoured Cars



A little more concerning Rolls-Royce armoured cars. Mr. Cooke may he interested to learn that they all returned to Iraq. No. 1 Coy directly, No. 2 via RAF station RamIeh, Palestine for the years of the Palestine troubles, then onward during the war to the siege of Habbaniya, I believe. The CO was a S/Ldr. M. P. Casano many years with No. 2 Coy, who, if still around, would have all the data.

RAF modifications were the fitting of a Lewis gun into the turret for extra elevation, huge “low profile” sand tyres and emergency tracks under the running-boards.

All up weight was around 5-tons, max. speed 60 m.p.h. None were equipped with front-wheel brakes so all the chassis must have been pre-1924. One wireless tender was reputed to be 1909.

Possibly their most punishing runs were from Amman to Maan Transjordan on appalling tracks, which left them unconcerned but which made the odd 20/70 i.f.s. Hillman staff car a bit knock-kneed.

Also in Palestine at that time were a number from the Army, possibly 11 th Hussars. In all at least 50 were in use.

Scarborough. A. E. Frost.

[This correspondence is now closed.—Ed.]