
The new circuit near Toulon, financed by the French drink firm of Ricard, was opened with a mixed race meeting which included a race for 2-litre Group 6 and Group 5 cars and was the opening round in the 1970 Championship for this category. A full works Abarth team of Quester, Casoni and Ortner opposed Redman with the works Chevron B16 and Bonnier with the brand new Lola T210, the two British cars using FVC Cosworth 1,800-c.c. engines. The rest of the grid was made up by private owners, with Porsche, Chevron, Daren, etc. The race was held over 100 laps of a short course comprising half the total circuit within the new racing complex, the full circuit not being complete, and Bonnier led until his fuel pump gave trouble and caused the Lola to slow, whereupon Redman closed up and took the lead to win comfortably, when the Lola suffered a broken throttle cable in the last laps.

TROPHY PAUL RICARD-326.375 kilometres-2 litre Group 5 and Group 6

1st: B. Redman (Chevron B16-Cosworth FVC) .. 2 hr. 19 min. 31.3 sec-140.354 k.p.h.
2nd: J. Bonnier (Lola T210-Cosworth FVC) .. 3 laps behind
3rd: J. Burton (Chevron B16-Cosworth FVC) .. 3 laps behind
4th: M. Casoni (Abarth 2000-Group 5) .. 3 laps behind
5th: I. Skailes (Chevron B16-Cosworth FVC) .. 7 laps behind
6th: E. Swart (Abarth 2000-Group 5) .. 7 laps behind

Fastest lap: J. Bonnier (Lola T210), 1 min. 21.1 sec.-144.870 k.p.h. (record)