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Although a previous book about Jim Clark has appeared, his up-to-date story is now told by Bill Gavin in “The Jim Clark Story,” published by Leslie Frewin Publishers Ltd. at 25s.

“The Motor Electrical Manual,” which gives a very clear and up-to-date explanation of automobile electrics, is in its 14th edition. Published by George Newnes Ltd. for Temple Press Books, it runs to 233 pages and costs 15s. Another book on this subject is “Beginner’s Guide to Automobile Electrical Equipment,” by J. H. M. Sykes, published by George Newnes Ltd. at the same price.

The British Travel Association has issued its 180-page official gulde to “Hotels and Restaurants in Britain” at 8s.

Profile Publications Ltd., 1A, North Street, Leatherhead, Survey, have brought out Car Profiles Nos. 25-60 in a handsome bound volume which runs to 440 pages and has about 750 photographs, 72 pages of which are in full colour. The wordage goes to some 150,000 and the price is 84s. All these Profiles have been referred to in Motor Sport. Incidentally, the awaited criticism of that about the touring G.N.s was quite mild; Thirlby weighed in with comments he later withdrew, but pointed out that Nash and Godfrey were old friends before they met in Rugby and that the notorious, hand-starter was used probably for very few cars. Hirons mentions that the footbrake operated on the o/s, the handbrake on the n/s wheel, whereas the text implies the opposite, that fires were more often caused by broken petrol pipes than petrol dripping on the magneto, and that wheels came off G.N.s because all the wheels had a r.h. thread and not due to the crude dogs on the hubs, of which the 3-dog fixing apparently came later than the 7-dog. We mention this just for the record; Profiles should be as accurate as possible and it would be nice if the publishers could issue a monthly or quarterly broadsheet for comments and amendments of this kind. They claim to have sold an average of over 16,600 of each Profile, a sales-turnover of more than £100,000 a year! Nevertheless, we understand that publication is to cease next September.