Miniatures news, June 1967


Two more-than-normally interesting Lesney “Matchbox” miniatures are No. 24, a 3-in.-long Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow to 67:1 scale, priced at 2s., and No. Y-4, a “Models of Yesteryear” 1909 Opel two-seater to a scale of 38:1, selling here for 5s. New “Matchbox” commercials include a G.M.C. refrigerator truck, scale 86:1, No. 44, price 2s., and a 10-wheel Scammell tipper, scale 69:1, No. K-19, this King Size model costing 6s. 11d. Corgi have brought out the Monte Carlo Rally-winning Mini-Cooper S (No. 339), their Chevrolet Impala as a kennel service van, with four dogs (No. 486), and have re-issued their fine 3-litre Bentley model accompanied by the fignres of Bertie Wooster and Jeeves – oh well!

Two sporting cars figure in Corgi’s latest miniatures, the M.G.-B GT coupé and the Sunbeam Imp which won its class in the Monte Carlo Rally. The M.G. model is No. 327, is 3 1/2 in. long, and costs 6s. 9d. The Imp has its rally plates, its competition no. 77, six jewelled headlamps, and its back window opens as on real Imps. The Sunbeam is No. 340 in the Corgi Toys range, is 3 1/4 in. long, and can be bought retail in the U.K. for a modest 5s. 9d. Corgi also have a new one in their agricultural range, in the form of a Massey-Ferguson 165 tractor with shovel (No. 69), measuring 5 in. long and costing 8s. 11d. It makes a tick-tick noise when pushed along. The Imp has a front registration plate – JDU47F – but no back plate, and the M.G.-B hasn’t any plates at all, although the M.G.-B insignia on the boot is very well done in miniature, as are the effective wire wheels. Its back window opens, too, in the manner of this GT’s body style, to reveal a tiny suitcase, the lid of which snaps open and shut – very clever. The number plate is a shortcoming I shall expect Corgi or one of the other miniatures makers to overcome very soon. W. B.