Rex Judd's Brooklands Re-Union


The annual re-union of Brooklands motorcyclists was held at the “Hand & Spear,” Weybridge, on the evening of April 30th, organised by Rex Judd, who, in spite of a recent stroke, contrived to welcome fellow “competitors” and ex-rivals, in company with his son. The gathering was held in a room labelled “Brooklands Corner” in the appropriate colours of black and yellow, and this historic hotel, which wears the Locke King coat-of-arms. laid on a most lavish and varied repast for 12s. 6d, a head, much of the food proving surplus to requirements, so busy was everyone “talking Track” and looking at old pictures.

Amongst those present were Joe Wright, Noel Pope, Francis Beart, Bert Denley and his one-time “pusher-off-er,” Charles Mortimer, Victor Horsman, all the way from his present retreat in Wales, Brian Pickford, Cobbold, Castle, Ernie Woods. the Dicker brothers, Ventura, O.A. Phillips, Granville Grenfell, Tottle, Headlam, Hood, C.J. Williams, Jarman, Wintour, Wheeler, Baragwanath’s sidecar passenger O.C. Botham, Bill Boddy, Dudley Gahagan, and others to whose faces we could not readily put names—as democratic and enthusiastic a re-union as you would see anywhere. The car drivers have their turn on June 11th.