

Discoveries.—Readers report a Delage 2-seater at a farm in Scotland, a 1927 Essex Super Six for sale in Devon, and three Foden steam wagons, two Sentinels and a Fowler steamroller in a disused quarry in E. Somerset. There is also a sports-bodied Morris Minor 2-seater, another in crashed condition and an Austin 12/4 or 14/6 saloon in a barn in Berkshire. Letters can be forwarded but no correspondence can be entered into. More exciting—a Morgan 3-wheeler which sounds very similar to W. D. Hawkes’ Brooklands’ car of the early twenties is being restored in London and data is sought. It has a brass bullet-shape petrol tank in lieu of a bonnet, an 8-valve vee-twin Anzani engine in as-new condition, and was first registered in November 1922, Reg. No. NP 1730.

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Bentleys at Antwerp.—Fastest time at the B.D.C. f.s. kilo runs this year was by Mrs. Coundley’s Jaguar-D, at 161.28. m.p.h.—good show indeed! Fastest Bentley was Sowden’s 8-litre (118.6 m.p.h. in the rain) and Burton in Dr. Taylor’s Type 59 Bugatti did 133.5 m.p.h.