


Recently while scanning a well-known trade journal I was interested to note the results of an efficiency test on a popular brand of commercial vehicle.

The article headed as follows may be of interest to some of your more knowledgeable readers.

“Scientific Testing of New Cab Design.”

Fatigue. Fatigue was judged by the tightness of the driver’s grip of the steering wheel, which is found to increase in step with fatigue. In the new F.G. model the driver’s grip actually decreased during the course of a day’s work.” – so much for science!!

I am, Yours, etc.,

Ontario. – R. Bryant.

[The vehicle referred to is the new range of B.M.C. 2 – 4-ton trucks with F.G. cab. Presumably on a really long run the driver will finish up “hands-off,” perhaps steering occasionally with his teeth in a completely relaxed grinI – Ed.]