Wheel-balancing a B.M.C. extra



I have followed with interest the recent correspondence concerning the relative merits of the Rootes and B.M.C. 1-1/2-litre high-performance saloons.

I think it may interest prospective purchasers of the B.M.C. model, to which, the publicity “hand-out” tells us, “You’ll take off your hat,” to know that they will probably also have to take off their gloves and roll up their sleeves if they wish to keep hold of the steering wheel at speeds over 60 m.p.h.

The distributors and the manufacturers regret that “wheel balancing is chargeable to customers and is not covered by the warranty.” Yet when I visited the distributors to discuss this, I encountered another owner bent on the same errand! So much for the effortless high-speed cruising and the top speed approaching 90 m.p.h.

Please, can we have more Motor Sport appraisals of cars which the average man must use for average purposes? Not everyone can run to a sports car, let alone a Jaguar, for everyday use.

I am, Yours, etc.,

Manchester. – A. R. McCrae.