Views on vintage cars



Your mention of the jaundiced view of vintage cars taken by the Daily Mail prompts me to send you a paragraph from the pen of Peter Simple of the Daily Telegraph. It appeared some years ago, and ran:

“As the proprietor of an almost vintage horseless carriage, I have no objection to its being tested for roadworthiness, far from it. None the less, I rather resent the way in which old cars are blamed for everything nowadays.

“My old car is nursed along by someone who knows all its idiosyncracies and frailties. Behind it there is always some gleaming juggernaut, doubtless mechanically perfect in every way, driven invariably by what looks like a war-profiteer, hooting, shoving, weaving, cutting in on blind corners and finally disappearing ahead in a screech of tyres and imprecations.”

Which causes most accidents? Not mine, I hope, touching that familiar scratched walnut facia.

I am, Yours, etc.

Callington. – Cyril Staal.