The Belsize Bradshaw



ln the article on the Belsize Bradshaw, you state that Granville Bradshaw was responsible, amongst other things, for the excellent transverse, flat-twin, shaft-drive A.B.C. motorcycle.

I once owned two of these amazing machines, one was a 1919 and the other a 1920 model. Neither had the original valve rocker gear, which tended to swing round on its support and cause the pushrods to fly out occasionally, which did not matter if it was the inlet push-rod, valve springs being weak enough to act as an automatic inlet.

These machines were not shaft drive, as you stated (photo enclosed to prove this) but they were fully sprung, front and rear, on leaf springs, they had a four-speed gearbox with gate change, dynamo lighting gear driven off the flywheel, (a very unusual fitting in those days), they were classed as 3 h.p. and could top 70 m.p.h., given favourable conditions. The cylinder barrels were turned out of steel billets, and were as light as the proverbial feather. The acceleration was similar to a Volkswagen, and we Volkswagen owners all know what they can do in that respect!

Re the article on the A.V. Monocar, I remember these well, and I think the later two-seater was called the Duo Car, not the Bicar. I know it had aluminium clutch plates, which, if used too fiercely, seized up solid, and, Oh! what a job it was to dismantle them. I can hardly credit the statement that it could be driven on three wheels only. That particular owner was probably also a keen fisherman.

Best of luck to the Green Book.

I am, Yours, etc.,

Biggleswade. – H. Nevil Blow (Hon. Treasurer, Falcon Motor Club).

[The Duo was another make of cyclecar, which some readers may remember? The A.V. was sold in monocar and two-seater versions. – Ed.].