
The number of actual makes of car now represented in miniature is certainly legion ! Meccano Limited have added many attractive examples to their popular Dinky Toy range. These include a Nash Rambler station wagon (No. 173) with whitewall tyres and roof-rack and a very nice Austin A105 saloon (No. 176), both having neat ” flashes ” correctly along the body sides, while both have transparent windows and screens, an innovation Dinky Toys have copied from Corgi. Then there is a Dinky minature (No.239) of the Grand Prix Vanwall, with driver in white overalls and carrying the racing number 35, and a Fiat 600 (No. 183). Those who are limited for space or whose collection of miniatures is becoming so large as to be difficult to accommodate will find the smaller Dinky miniature to 00 and HO gauge of interest. These include Singer Roadster, Ford Prefect and Commer van.

The larger Dinky Supertoys and Corgi Major toys become even more ingenious; lucky indeed are the youngsters of today ! Following the Corgi Major scale Bedford Carrimore low-loader lorry with ramp and winch and the Corgi Toys car servicing ramp conies a fire-escape with rotatable and extendable ladder. This is Dinky Supertoys No. 956, and a fine present it will make for any boy; although it does not appear to represent an actual make, there is a deal of Bedford about it. Lesney have brought out No. 8 in their splendid “Models of Yester Year” series a fine little reproduction of a 1926 bullnose Morris-Cowley fixed-head coupe, to 50 : 1 scale. Although only 2½ in. long it has a dickey lid that opens to reveal a seat, springs, spare wheel and ‘spare petrol tin; those who drove these cars in the past will find the scuttle ventilator and bonnet lifting handles nostalgic as typical of the Morris of this period. More’s the pity that the model is devoid of lamps, which the fine glossy finish and retail price of only 9d. somewhat excuses. Get one without delay from your local toyshop or sports outfitter. Its a winner !