
A Section Devoted to Old Car Matters

NORTHERN vintage enthusiasts should note that the Vintage S.C.C. will hold its Race Meeting and Concours d’Elegance at Oulton Park on June 28th. This presents a splendid opportunity for the public as well as V.S.C.C. members to see historic cars in spirited action at the natural setting of a road circuit. Apart from the races, which include the Seaman Memorial Trophies Race, a Frazer-Nash race and many others, the parade, which, time permitting, takes place following the Concours d’Elegance, is a vintage and Edwardian cavalcade which should not be missed. Details from T. W. Carson, Brook Cottage, Bishop’s Green, Newbury, Berkshire.

It was with very considerable surprise that we read the recent editorial by Cassandra in the Daily Mirror extolling the merits of the vintage car. This hard-hitting influential journalist was attacking the American trend towards the ever-larger, more powerful, flashier and faster automobile, which he describes as “so appallingly ugly that the mind withers in contemplating it.” He then goes on to recall the cars with which he commenced his motoring career. We had always pictured the controversy-creating, hard-boiled, “no-bull” Cassandra as likely to travel either exclusively by train or in the back parlour of a Jaguar Mk. VIII or Rolls-Royce. So it was a shock, albeit a pleasant one, to be told by the great man himself that his first car was a Hotchkiss-engined bull-nosed Morris (it cost £4), from which he graduated to a large Wolseley, through an M.G. to a Frazer-Nash. The last-named is described as “truly terrific . . . with twin camshafts, three carburetters and about sixteen feet of permanently red-hot chain “—presumably a Blackburne-engined Six.

Clearly Cassandra prefers such cars to what he aptly terms “flying meringues” and he pays homage in his widely-read column to Ettore Bugatti, Aston Martin, the Aldington Brothers, Mercedes, Alfa-Romeo and W. O. Bentley, who opposed such “swollen boudoirs.” Vintage cars make a mockery of the machines that pass for motor cars in these decadent days, writes Cassandra. He does not indulge in mock-modesty, so perhaps we may follow suit and remark that we would have written his Editorial in almost the same words! A reader (who owns a blown 1,750-c.c. Alfa-Romeo) inquires whether the V.S.C.C. will ask Cassandra to be its President. He hardly deserves less—for such pro-vintage writings in the people’s paper are valuable at any time and especially so at present, with compulsory inspections pending.

The commercial vehicle chassis of the mid-‘twenties. reported some time ago in these columns as a Mercedes-Benz near Southport, was, in fact, an early Thornycroft with Mercedes radiator and back axle. Alas, it was broken up last winter.

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The demise of a gentleman who used to be in charge of the panel-beating department of Leyland Motors, Ltd., leaves a number of his effects for disposal. These include several vintage magnetos, including B.T.H. GL4, Lucas G4N and open-magnet Eisemann EDD2, an early steering wheel, a set of ignition spares in a case for a Bosch DA2 magneto, etc. There is also an Austin Seven chassis beautifully rebuilt, incorporating some ingenious modifications, which would form a very sound basis indeed for a “special”-builder. If anyone requires any of these things, stamped envelopes can be forwarded to the son of the deceased, who has, incidentally, presented to the Editor’s “museum” a Leyland Eight crown-wheel and pinion.

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At the end of April we noticed what appeared to be a vintage Daimler Double-Six saloon being refuelled at a new Shell petrol station in Camberley, Surrey. Whose ?

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On June 7th there will be a Concours d’Elegance for vintage and thoroughbred cars on the village green at Holyport, near Maidenhead, Berkshire. Entry fee 4s., or 5s. on the day. V.S.C.C. will supply judges. Details from : D. J. Good, Moneyrow Green, Holyport, Berks.

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Also on June 7th is the Bath County and Athletic Club Parade and Concours d’Elegance, free of entry fee. There is to be a parade through the town. Details from Capt. C. G. Moss, 15, Johnstone Street, Bath.

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Steam-enthusiasts will find an article on a Super Sentinel steam wagon, circa 1923, in the March issue of Beaded Wheels, journal of the Vintage C.C. of New Zealand—an excellent journal this.

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This year’s V.S.C.C. Edwardian and Light Car Rally happens on June 1st, starting from Thame, Oxon, entrants arriving by 12.30 p.m. On the same day at Snetterton there will be a 5-lap handicap race for vintage and thoroughbred cars and historic racing cars at the Stanley Sears Trophy Race Meeting.

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A garage in Pembrokeshire has a 1922 Humber Eight two-seater for sale, sans tyres. The price is around £50. Stamped letters can be sent on.

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The Lea-Francis Club is compiling a spares register and P. W. Pringle, 71, Old Street, Ludlow, would like to hear from anyone who has parts for these cars for disposal. Inquiries for spares should be accompanied by a s.a.e.

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The National Traction Engine Club announces a traction-engine rally at Appleford, near Abingdon, Oxon, on June 14th, commencing at 2 p.m. Admission will cost 2s. 6d. a head, or 1s. for children under 12; car park 2s. 6d. Incidentally, the N.T.E.C. is anxious to enrol new members, its function being to preserve steam-propelled vehicles of all kinds. The Secretary is Harold Bonnett, 24, Torrington Avenue, Perivale, Greenford, Middlesex.

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A reader offers a practically-complete Delage D8 engine and gearbox, with rebored cylinders, reground crankshaft, new bearings. etc., which will be delivered free in return for a reasonable delivery fee. The engine is in Aberdeen. Stamped letters can be forwarded.

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The executors of an estate in the Liverpool area have for disposal a very good Bradbury motor-cycle and sidecar, believed to be pre-1914. Stamped letters can be forwarded.

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In the Leeds area a dismantled 1924 Talbot 8/18 is offered free as a source of spares to anyone who would collect it, or pay cost of carriage, by someone who is moving house and cannot undertake restoration. Again, stamped letters can be forwarded.

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At a breaker’s yard not far from Brands Hatch there is, or was, a vintage Humber, described as “in very fair condition.” Someone may care to investigate.

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A series of intelligent articles on local vintage cars has been appearing in the Barnet Weekly Telegraph. The first two covered a 10.8 Clyno, a model-A Ford tourer and a late-model “Brooklands” Riley Nine.

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A supercharged sports Star advertised in the small advertisement section of this journal last month is believed to be the only one built; it was found on a sewage farm!

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At the back of a garage in Glasgow there is said to languish a very fine Albion shooting-brake, circa 1904/6. Although buried under mounds of old tyres and junk, it was apparently driven in under its own power and is thought to be complete, even to the original tools. Location and buying prospects are unknown. But this looks like a chance for amateur sleuths . . .

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Stored in Norfolk since 1946 is a Morris Commercial fire engine bought at the Commercial Motor Show of 1928. It has done a total of 7,000 miles and is original from the tyres up. It is to be renovated by the purchaser’s son in the near future.

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In Pembrokeshire there is a 1926 Invicta chassis, less bodywork, for disposal.

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Hardly vintage, perhaps—but the President of the Invicta Section of the V.S.C.C. tells us that F. P. Bray, of Messrs. Bray, Dufton, Meyer and Hughes, Court House, Salines, California, owns an invicta “Black Prince” and would like other owners to contact him.

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In Cheshire a Senechal-engined Rally is in process of renovation. Its owner, K. Letman, of Beeston Brook, Tarporley, requires data and, if possible, a photograph. , owns an invicta “Black Prince” and would like other owners to contact him.

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It is curious how, when a particular car is in mind, you see examples all over the place when previously they were encountered very infrequently. Since going on the vintage “Land’s End” in a 1929 Hillman Fourteen (see page 284 last month) we have noticed in London another 1929 example, a 1927 saloon beating the ‘bus strike and a very smart Hillman Wizard saloon of circa 1932. A 1932 Hillman straight-eight saloon in immaculate order has turned up in London and there is said to be a vintage Hillman Fourteen at a breaker’s near Abingdon. , owns an invicta “Black Prince” and would like other owners to contact him.

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In Worcester the Show model 1928 Locomobile straight-eight saloon is in process of restoration.