
It is with a feeling of intense sadness that we publish the news of Scott-Brown’s death following the accident at Spa. ” Archie,” as the very fast driver was known not only to his many friends but to motor-sport enthusiasts everywhere, was an object-lesson in those in adversity, for although physically be was far from 100 per cent., very few raring drivers could keep up with him through the corners ! Disabled from birth, Scott-Brown refused to let this hamper him in his ambition of becoming a first-rank driver of racing/sports cars. In the same way he was as fast as anyone at the ” Le Mans “ sprint start, although his several disabilities precluded any other form of athletics.

Scott-Brown commenced racing in a modest manner, like other drivers who subsequently achieved greatness. ” Archie’s ” skill, pluck and refusal to give in were universally admired and these fine qualities, and the memory of his individual mode of twitching a car into corners, will live for ever in the annals of motor sport. To the sympathy of ” Archie’s ” thousands of admirers we add our own.