Association of North - Eastern and Cumberland Car Clubs


At a meeting held on April 11th at the Lambton Arms hotel, Chester-le-Street, and attended by representatives from Burnhope, Cumberland, Hartlepools. King’s College, Middlesbrough and Newcastle Clubs it was agreed to form the Association of North-Eastern and Cumberland Car Clubs.

Dr. Brass of King’s College Club and Mr. R. B. Horn of Newcastle Club were elected Chairman and Secretary, respectively.

The objects of the Association provide for closer liaison and co-operation between the member Clubs and if possible with neighbouring Associations. Application is to be made for recognition by the R.A.C.

It was hoped that other Clubs, recognised by the R.A.C. and within the area of North-East England and Cumberland, would be attracted to membership.

The subscription for 1953 was fixed at 10s. 6d. per Club.

Meetings are to be held at centres to be chosen by member Clubs in rotation and the next meeting is to be held on July 25th at 6.30 p.m. at the premises of the Middlesbrough and District Motor Club. The last meeting of the current year will be held in November to deal particularly with the question of dates for 1954 events before the compilation of the R.A.C. draft Calendar.

Finally it was agreed that a member Club, desirous of assistance from any other Club in the organisation of an event or otherwise. should for the present put the appropriate request through the Secretary of the Association rather than direct.