


MONOMA lt I: Service. Permanent London address. Letters redirected. Confidential. Ss. p.a. Royal patronage. Keytiqt 9d. Write Monomark, BM/MONO6V, W.C.1. 12/50 Alvis open tourer, 1931, wire wheels, rear

tank, new hood, 05. ” 14J75″ Alvis sports tourer, original wings, in good running order, needs battery, £40. W.B., 123, B.liton Lane, Harrogate, Yorks. MG4-speed 4-s d E.N.V. gearbox with remote con • %…7 • tro , 16 ; MR. 4-speed J11 gearbox with remote control, £5 ; M.G. 8/41 crown/pinion assembly, £6 10s. ; M.O. ” F ” Magna en ne, complete with special manifold, carbs., polished rods, starter, distributor, dynamo, £10 ; M.G. Marshall supercharger installation for ” P ” Midget, £30. Choice of two. M.G. ” J11 ” chassis, axle, springs, brakes,

; M.G. ” F ” chassis, axle, springs, brakes, £6. Donald C. Pitt, ltodbomugh Crest Cottage, Rodborough Common, nr. Stroud, Glos.

NORTON 490 International, completely rebuilt, perfect mechanical condition, excellent tyres and battery. Taxed, 195. Consider exchange. Williamson, Fern Bank, South Milford, Leeds, York.

REASONABLg offers wanted for : starter, dynamo, petrol puinp, Solex carb., muff, starting handle, Fiat ” 1,100 ” distributor, carb., dynamo, Fold Eight: &ilex carh., as new, Standard Eight : Zenith carb., Austin Eight : 3 new 12v. coils. Fairhurst, 90, Birkbeck Road, Enfield, Middx. illtENTLEY 1925 “Red Label” 4-seater. Stan

dard condition except 4.25 axle. Spares include flywheel with perfect starter ring. £150. S/Ldr. W. W. Topper, No. 2 Mess, R.A.F., Wood hall Spa, Li nes.

192A, Austin ” Speedy” engine, less manifolds Liu and carburetter, £18; less head, £14; less block pistops, £9; less accessories, £6 10s. Mallock, 3, Parufalash Crescent, Harrogate.

M AGNETTE N-type, 2-seater body, engine fitted -ivz competition modifications, and whole car in most perfect condition. Tyres, hood, and side curtains as new, low mileage. Price £250. Box No. 179, MOTOR SPORT, 15, City Road, E.C.1.

TYPE 37 .P. Bugatti, rebuilt as new, spare engine, A wheels, tyres, etc., fully road-equipped, £400. Golden Cross,” Bath Read, Coinbrook.

A STON-MARTIN spares, including cylinder block with H.C. pistons, crankshaft, reground, polished and re-balanced with h re-metalled rods and mains, also 1 Flitre Coventry Climax engine, brand new and unused. Oath, Wooderoft, Brandon. Coventry.

1927 Vauxhall ” 14/40 ” tourer. MeeijaniaIIy perfect, excellent tyres. £50, or exchanui. something more sporting. Axel-Berg, Beauchamp Court, Alcester. INMAN special chassis 1,100-c.c. modified ” 10/23

Talbot, rebored, new bearings, Hepworth pistons. Two heads—original o.h.v. and experimental rotary. Rear tank, Hartford shockers, oversize wire wheels. Described, MOTOR SPORT, December, 1938. Offers, 12, Fairfield Avenue, Twickenham.

19 2c Riley Falcon 15-h.p. pm-selector box, corn••/ plete less body. Ideal base for special, 160. Offers. Box No. 177, MoToa SPORT, 15, City Road, London, E.C.1.

1 1-litre, 6-cylinder o.h.e. Invicta engine, eomplete ; A 2also 4-speed gearbox with remoie control. Nearest £25. 26, Tontine tltreet lilarkhn re. rt LOWER, Roots type, for ten million series

” 1,750 Alfa-Itomeo. Excellent condition. Box No. 178, MOTOR SPonr, 16, City Road, London, E.C.1.


WANTED TO BUY CARS OF GOOD MAKE Low Mileage and Quality ; 1938 upwards BROOKLAND MOTORS 103, New Bond Street, London, W.1

SPO.RTS CARS. T. & T. interested in purchase of good sports ,cars. Thomson & Taylor (Brooklands) Ltd., Portsmouth Road, Cobham, Surrey.

AUSTIN ” Ulster ” gearbox, 5.625 C.W. and pinion. “Nippy” or “Ulster” inlet manifold. Mallock, 3, Pannalash Crescent, Harrogate.

SPORTS car, any make, mechanically sound, with 20 by 5.50 or 6.00 tyres. Not over 21 h.p. Kramers, Thorington, Saxmundham, Suffolk.

_ .

ZAGATO Alfa-Romeo, condition immaterial, must be cheap. Would consider any other sports car except M.G. ; preference for Aston-Martin. Full ;.f iculars to BM/LNIT/I,ondon, W.C.1.

SI I R CHARGER, small Roots pattern T.T. Scott motor-cycle, engine or parts. Experimental purposes. Graham Kirk, Heathside Road, Norwich.

810SOLEX downdraught for Austin Seven. Beavis, 5, Tower Hill Works, Witney, Oxon. -h.P. M.G., Singer, Riley, or similar sports car.

• Engine must be in perfect condition. Body Immaterial. J. Martin, 151, Canterbury Road, N. Harrow, Middx.

WWANTED urgently, Riley Imp. 1937 Morgan 4-4, 1934-5 9-h.p. Alta ” P ” Midget. Reasonable condition. Write, Sgt. Kendrick, 41, Romberg Road, London, S.W.17.

A I ”IN Seven ” Ulster ” or ” Speedy.” Any age “-I or condition. State price and particulars. 9, Station Road, Parkgate, Wirral, Ches.

WWILL someone please sell copies of Nowa SPORT Jan., 1940, to Dec., 1941. Highest price given. Major Cliff MeCulloch. Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury.