Letters from Readers, June 1945


Sir, With reference to your soft, whispering response to the N.L.E.C.C.’s journal;leader, of which I am the author, I would make three comments :—

(1) The N.L.E.C.C. does not cater intentionally for policemen—mobile or otherwise. (2) We claim close acquaintance with the ” ordinary ” Riley, travelling at speeds less than those favoured by Mr. Frederick Dixon. (3) I own an Alvis, and mine wheezes, if yours doesn’t !

In conclusion, my congratulations on your publication. It certainly gets right down to tile spirit of motoring, and articles such as ” 13readline Motoring” and ” Enthusiastus Extinctus ” are superb. May you continue to receive the support you deserve. •

I am,Yours, etc.’

DENIS R. PHILLIPS, (lian. Treas., N.L.E.C.C.) London, N.8.

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