


THE B.A.R.C. Whitsun Meeting was a great success and drew an excellent attendance. An innovation was the ” Gold Star ” handicap, run for the first time as a sports-car race for standard British sports-cars carrying full equipment and muting on pump fuels. Much pinking was heard as the oars accelerated from the corners and the winner was a blown 1 flare Alta. The 7 lap Locke King outer-circuit handicap attracted only five starters, but this, and …he preceding race, was outer-circuit racing at its best, and a large proportion of the public still likes it very much indeed. R. 1,. Duller at last had good luck with the 44-litre Duesenberg, gaining one first and one third place

The channel between the Paddock bridge and the new grandstand was closed to the public, who gained access to the stand by crossing the finishing straight, the stand being packed the whole afternoon.

Although there is less of interest in the Paddock stalls than in the earlier days, some points of technical interest were duly noted by the MOTOR SPoo’r representative.

The Bentley-Jackson was being fitted with 7.50″ x 20′ balloon Dtmlops on its rear wheels, while the Bowler-HofnumSpecial, a rakish car in the old-school tradition, had 6.0″ x 85″ rear Dtinlops and 6.5″ x 32″ front Dunlops of semiballoon type. The two S. U. carburetters have Immense float chambers, the caps of which carry short vent pipes, and the radiator header tank is braced to the camshaft cover of the 44-litre Bentley engine.

V. H. Tuson ran .a Balilla Fiat of modern conception, with the 68 x 75 mm. 1,090 c.c. engine. It had a Fiat radiator grille, two-seater racing body, and wire wheels with knock-on hubs, carrying 5.00″ x 17″ Dunlop covers. On the off side a threebranch induction manifold contacted with a three-branch exhaust manifold to provide a hot-spot for the big Zenith downdraught carburetter. The fan had been removed. Mat-Ste:es 2.3-litre Bugatti had a sportstype body with the passenger’s seat

removed and the mirror set inside the cockpit on the extreme near side, with a rev,-counter, reading to 6,000 r.p.m., placed beside it.

Hawthorne’s ” Brooklands ” Riley had a perforated exhaust cooler before its silencer, and Castello’s little Austin Seven, reminiscent of the famous “Mrs. Jo Jo” of a past decade, had a Powerplus compressor drawing from a Solex carburetter, the transverse front spring set above the axle, and ordinary steel wheels, while the tiny body was a mass of cowls.

Barker’s four-seater 3-litre Cozetteblown Sunbeam still carried Vintage S.C.C. and A.A. badges on its radiator, and A. F. Ashby’s Alfa-Romeo, a nonrunner on account of a nut falling into the intake and smashing a blower rotor, had a neat twin exhaust system which McConnell had O.K.’d. J. H. ‘I’. Smith’s M.G., looking larger than a 1,100 c.c. and very smart, with sprbo pad on the underside of the facia, is still Bellevue-attended, while one of the smartest cars in the Paddock was J. H. Bartlett’s 2.9-litre Alfa-Romeo, finished red with plated beading. Mrs. Corbett-nsher’s M.G. had a rather unusual cut-away radiator and a very snugly-cowled blower. M. S. Soames has forsaken trials driving for racing and Continued on page 237

handled Harnier’s Type 7 Bugatti, which has twin Solex carburetters and a vertex-type magneto.

The first race on the card was the Whitsun Short Handicap Of 6i miles. Charles Follett’s new 1I-litre Lea-Francis, with big, grey sports body, did a preliminary lap with a passenger in the dickey seat. Entering the Railway Straight after the start, Wright’s Frazer-Nash led from Miss MeOstrieh’s Frazer-Nash and the LeaFrancis overhauled Thatcher’s M.G. After another lap Wright still led, using hardly any banking, with Follett second and Miss MeOstrich third. After another round Charles Brackenbury, on A. P. Watson’s blown 2-litre Bugatti, starting handle swinging from side to side and the exhaust note typical, was out in front. He went on to win at 114.48 m.p.h. with Wooding’s 3-litre Talbot I fairly close in second place and Marston’s Bugatti third. The Whitsun Long Handicap of 9 miles followed. Brackenbitry Was rehandicapped from 22 secs. to 10 secs. and Baker-Carr’s Bentley-Jackson was on scratch. Tuson ‘a ore a motor-cycle .crash-hat and Elgood’s 4i-litre 1929 Bentley ran with all equipment in place,

even keeping its screen erect. Follett, bending low over the wheel of his LeaFrancis, led for over a lap from a start of 1 min. 52 secs. Tuson lay second and Powell’s ex-Follett 1i-litre Alvis passed Thatcher’s M.G. In the first lap Barker’s Sunbeam fell sii4c. After two laps Follett led from Tuson and Powell, but running down to the finish Duller on the Duesenberg, which was going beautifully, in spite of a worrying practice week. passed Elgood’s Bentley going into the Railway Straight. Duller averaged 122.28 m.p.h. and he was followed home by Follett’s Lea-Francis and Marston’s Bugatti. Then catne the Locke King 7-lap 20mile outer-circuit handicap for E50 and the Dame Ethel Locke King Trophy. The B.H.W. did not run, its 4.9-litre Bugatti engine giving trouble in practice. Elgood’s sports fully equipped 4i-litre Bentley led away, followed by Couper’s 3.4-litre Talbot, which has been taking railway drivers for rides in its spare time, Bertram in the Bowler-Holman-Special, the Duesenberg and Baker-Carr’s BentleyJackson. After one lap Elgood had a commanding lead from Couper. By the close of lap 2 it was Elgood-Couper Duller. Duller held the Duesenberg below the 100 m.p.h. line, but Couper’s Talbot went high on the Members’ banking. At the end of 3 laps the order

was Elgood-Couper-Duller-Baker-Carr. The Bentley-Jackson had closed a little on the Duesenberg and was about a quarter of a mile to the bad. By lap 5 it looked doubtful if Duller could catch the leaders. As Elgood entered the Byfleet Couper was shooting the Members’ bridge, and Duller was about a quarter of a mile back. On the last lap, however, the Duesenberg passed the Talbot and Baker-Carr closed on it also. Duller pulled down inside off the Members’

banking to pass Couper but Elgood’s old Bentley, tonneau cover flapping in the slip-stream, went over the line about half-a-dozen lengths in front to win the big race of the day as a sports-car, at 106.41 m.p.h. Couper was third. It was excellent racing and probably benefited by the scarcity of fast cars on the Track. The ” Gold Star” Sports-Car Race came next, over 7′ laps or about 16 miles of the full road circuit. Elgood was now on scratch. On lap one Derrington, wearing a crash hat, led on the limit M.G. Magna from Gammon’s Aston-Martin and Don Harris’s Riley Sprite. Arthur Dobson’s Riley was in the Paddock, but did not run. Abecassis had a nasty slide at the Members’ Hill coiner, inadvertently sounding the S.S. ‘s horn in correct ing it.’ After 2 laps Bennett’s blown Alta was in the lead with Wooding’s 3.4-litre Talbot II second and Harris still third. Gammon was doing nice corner work, but Harris’s Riley squealed its tyres. “Bira,” on the green works H.R.G., was extremely spirited and came up from seventh place on lap 2 to third place at the close of 3 laps. The first three positions — Bennett Wooding ” Bira “—remained unchanged to the end, but there was considerable excitement when Cuddon-Fletcher’s

S.S. ” 100″ crept past ” Bira’s ” H.R.G. on the Members’ Banking. ” Bira ” slipped through on one of the corners, was again repassed, and again got through on a bend and thereafter held third place to the end. Fleming’s 24-litre S.S. ” 100 “

was very slow and was almost lapped after 6 circuits, and it then turned completely round in front of Bennett. Derrington was also lapped at the end. Betuaett’s Alta averaged 62.21 m.p.h., with Wooding some way behind,” Bira ” third, CuddenFletcher fourth and Abecassis fifth— Alta, Talbot, H.R.G. and S.S. The First Whitsun Road Handicap was the commencement of some good 5lap races over the road course. Smith’s M.G. started and after one lap Gordon Brettell’s wonderful little Austin Seven led from Stuart-Wilton (M.G.) and Nickols (M.G.). Monkhouse, with. the 1,032 c.c. 4-cyl. blown M.G., called at his pit but continued. Last month we inadvertently referred to this car as a Magnette. Perhaps its owner will ‘ take consolation from the knowledge that on Whit-Monday we backed him and lost money for our sins ! On lap 2 Nickols caught StuartWilton and the next lap the leaders remained the same. By lap 5 Smith was third and at the end Billy Cotton, going splendidly with the green E.R.A., slipped

by Stuart-Wilton on the inside at a corner,

to get third place. Brettell won comfortably at 62.64 m.p.h. from Smith. Miss Fay Taylor brought Street’s 2.3-litre Alfa-Romeo back to the Paddock while the race was still in progress. Anse11’s E.R.A. retired and Arthur Dobson (E.R.A.) could only manage seventh place from scratch after an exciting drive. Cotton was right on Smith’s tail at the end-an excellent finish. Harvey-Noble (M.G.) had an unpleasant slide out on the Aerodrome. In the next race Ti’brook, on an old blown 14-litre Lea-Francis entered by J. C. Stocks, led from May’s Alvis and Stuart-Wilton’s M.G. until lap 3, when Nickols led the field. Hanson’s Ma,serati retired and Ballamy, who had spent the preceding hours driving his Bugatti about the Paddock, after working to repair practice damage all the week-end, changed plugs just before the start, stalled on the line, and then toured in with smoke pouring from the engine, which apparently did not like the wide open spaces of the Track itself. After 4 laps Billy Cotton was in fourth place, and the

Bellevue-tuned went on to win at 72.74 m.p.h„ sweeping past Nickols and Leitch’s 2.3-litre Bugatti on the last lap. So to the seventh race, when the old Lea-Francis, now driven by Stocks, led throughout to win at 59.74 m.p.h. Soames, after a worrying wait in the cockpit while plugs were changed before the race, had one exciting moment at the Aerodrome bend and then drove steadily into second place, which he held throughout. The Bugatti left an oil haze in its

wake. Michael May managed third place with the veteran Alvis, Monkhouse (1,082 c.c. M.G.) was fourth from scratch, and the field came home well spaced. Windsor-Richards toured round in Hawthome’s Riley.

The concluding race was exciting. Arthur Dobson (white E.R.A.) and ” Bira ” (E.R.A.) were together on scratch. Both Leitch and Wooding were rehandicapped but Abecassis actually had another 5 sees, given him, the Alta’s engine being 14-litres and not 2-litres as declared. Dobson accelerated away from the Paddock in fine style and arrived first before

the grandstand. As they got away ” Bira ” was on the inside at the first corner and got a small lead, though Dobson had actually beaten him away. After one lap the order was LemonBurton (Bugatti), Esplen. (R-type M.G.), Cuddon-Fletcher (Parnell’s M.G.), Wooding (Talbot I), Leitch (2.3-litre Bugatti), Harvey-Noble (M.G.), Hunter (Alta), Abecassis (Alta), Dobson (E.R.A.), ” Bira ” (E.R.A.), • and Bartlett (AlfaRomeo). Amid great excitement Dobson had repassed ” Bira ” by pulling low off the Members’ banking, where ” Bira ” drove high up. ” Bira ” got by inside Dobson in turning off the straight and after 2 laps Cuddou-Fletcher led with Lemon-Burton second and Esple.n third. ” Bira “got very little lead from Dobson on lap 8 and the crowd almost roared when Dobson again passed inside going into the Railway Straight. However, ” Bira ” got by on the last bend before the Aerodrome Straight and thereafter Dobson saw only his tail. The leading positions were unchanged, but Noble was now fifth and ” Bira ” sixth. At the end of lap 4 Leitch was right up in second place with Cuddon-Fletcher still leading, LemonBurton third, Esplen fourth, and” Bira ” fifth. Abecassis waved ” Bira ” through at the Members’ Hill turn, and so Dobson was momentarily seventh, behind the

Alta. Obviously the finish. would be exciting and everyone hoped ” Bira ” might get home first. However, CuddonFletcher made no mistakes, and Parnell’s twin cam M.G. Magnette won at 67.22 m.p.h. Leitch was very close behind and Lemon-Burton looked like getting third place when he spun off the road in a cloud of dust just before Howe corner, fortunately remaining uninverted and uninjured. This let ” Bira ” through, to take third place in front of Dobson-a magnificent finish.


First Race. The Whitsun Short Handicap Distance about 6i miles

1. C. Brackenbury (1,990 c.c. Bugatti), 12s. start, 114.48 m.p.h.

2. G. A. Wooding (3,008 c.c. Talbot), 32s. start..

3. R. J. T Marston (2,263 c.c. Bugatti), 44s. start. Won by 2is., with 2i8. between second and third. 2nd Race, The Whitsun Long Handicap Distance about 9 miles

1. R. L. Duller (4,376 c.c. Duesenberg), 7s. start., 122.28 m.p.h.

2. Charles Follett (1,496 c.c. Lea-Francis), 1m. 52s. start.

3. R. 3. T. Marston (2,263 c.c. Bugatti), lm. 7s. start. Won by 21$. with Hs. between second and third. 3rd Race. The Locke King Trophy (Handicap) Distance about 20 miles

1. F. E. Elgood (4,487 c.c. Bentley) 2m. 2s. start, 106.41 m.p.h.

2. R. L. Duller (4,376 c.c. Duesenberg), 13s. start.

3. W. M. Couper (3,377 c.c. Talbot), lm. 2s. start. Won by 4s., with 7s. between second and third. 4th Race. The Sports-Oar Handicap for “The Star” Gold Trophy Distance about 16 miles

1. W. W. S. Bennett (1,490 c.c. Alta), 285. start, 62.21 m.p.h.

2. G. A. Wooding (3,377 c.c. Talbot), 28s. start.

3. “B. Bira ” (1,496 c.c. H.R.G.), 18s. start. Won by 141s., with 2418. between second and third. 5th Race. The First Whitson Road Handicap Distance about 11 miles

1. E. G. Brette.0 (755 c.c. Austin), lm. 45s. start, 61.64 m.p.h.

2. 3. H. T. Smith (1,087 c.c. M.G.), 39s. start.

3. Billy Cotton (1,486 c.c. E.R.A.), 98. start. Won by 418., with h. between second and third. 6th Race. The Second Whitsun Road Handicap Distance about 11 miles

1. Billy Cotton (1,486 c.c. E.R.A.), 9s. start, 72.74 m.p.h.

2. I. H. Nickols (747 c.c. M.G.), 6/7s. start.

3. A. M. Leitch (2,263 c.c. Bugatti), 42s. start. Won by 5s., with 6s. between second and third. 7th Race. The Third Whitsun Road Handicap Distance about 11 miles

1. j. C. Stocks (1,496 c.c. Lea-Francis), lm. 50s. start, 59.74 m.p.h.

2. M. S. Semmes (1,498 c.c. Bugatti), 59s. start.

3. M. W. B. May (2,511 0.0. Alvis), 27s. start. Won by 42s., with 5s. between second and third. 8th Race. The Fourth Whitsun Road Handicap Distance about 11 miles

1. A. Cuddon-Fletoher (1,087 c.o. M.G.), 51s. start, 67.22 m.p.h.

2. A. H. Leitch (2,263 c.c. Bugatti), 42s. start.

3. “B, Bira ” (1,486 c.c. E.R.A.), scratch. Won by Is., with 2fs, between second and third.