

The classic N.W. London M.C. Lawrence Cup Trial on May 28th attracted forty-two cOmpetitors. The event was held on War Office land near Bagshot, thus obviating any objections that a trial was causing a nuisance on public hills.

After weeks of dry weather, which has rendered several big trials a farce, the heavy rain, which other enthusiasts had to be content with. on the rim to Shelsley Walsh. was almost welcome to the slimestormers. Only L. E Worth (1i-litre Singer) and D. W. Price (Ford Ten) stopped on the Dip, being late numbers and hampered by the cutting up of surface by earlier

runners. Here K. N. Hutchison wound the V12 Lincoln Allard-Special up very effectively, leaping in truly spectacular manner from the bumps. Crozier on the double blower Ford V8 was also very rapid, but fouled a route marking post. Kilimanjaro failed six on its steep first section and eleven on section two, while Range Hill ceased twenty-four cars, Middle Hill eight, Black Hill three and Tunnel I four. Those who got clean up Tunnel I went on to essay the famous Red Roads, where T. W. -Dargue’s 2-litre Frazer-Nash-B.M.W. made a most polish ed climb. A. G. Imhof’sIt-litre M.G., Ken Hutchison’s big Allard-Special and Guy Warburton’s V8 Allard-Special were other cars which achieved favourable

comment by getting up this last, very severe gradient without failure.

A special downhill brake test was won by Hutchison, in 17 secs. For the second special test cars had to negotiate a triangle, effecting a reverse at one of the corners.

RUM’S Lawrence : L. Johnson (B.M.W.).

Lawrence Cup : L. Johnson (B.M.W.). Runner-Up : K. Hutchison (Allard Special). Ripley Trophy : B. C. Hae.sendonek (M.G.). Runner-Up : NV. J. Green (M.G.).

Best 1,100 c.c. Unblown : P. S. Flower (M.G.). Team Award: ” The Tallwaggers ” ; K. llutAthison, S. H. Allard, G. Warburton. First-Class Awards : 0. Warburton, J. E. Jones (M.G.), Second-Class Awards : C. A. N. May (M.G.), A. G. Imhof (M.G.), E. J. Haesendonck (M.(J.), D. Loader (V8 Ford), S. H. Allard (Allard Special), M. H. Lawson (H.R.G.), T. NV. Dargite