

Last month we announced exclusively the introduction of a production fourseater version of the Allard-Special. We are now able to add that S. H. Allard will shortly open extensive new works at Putney for the manufacture of these cars. The production model two-seater is a very smart car, equipped for fast road work, with more suitable wings and body layout than those of the Competition two-seater. A straight bonnet line has been achieved and the ugly gap between dumb-irons and front axle eliminated. Great care has been taken to secure a good driving position, the wing treatment is particularly neat, and knockoff wire wheels are standard. A short run in heavy traffic showed up the extremely smooth, silent flow of power from the V8 engine, the astonishing acceleration and ‘complete tractability, while we observed with satisfaction the rigidity of the bodywork and “front works,” a feature all too rare in modern light weight high-performance cars. The instrument board carries a simple and effective array of dials, and a sprung steering wheel, Marles high-geared steering, racing-pattern hand-brake, remote gear control, Bosch lighting, twin pump fuel feed, Burgess silencers, disappearing hood, side screens, and Dunlop tyres are stan dardised. The price is £460, or £560 with the V12 Lincoln engine. Replicas of the Competition models are also available, at p480 and £570 respectively. Naturally, the specifications and equipment can be considerably adapted to

suit individual requirements. The bodywork of the first production four-seater was made by Messrs. Coachcraft Ltd., and that of the two-seater by Whiffingham and Mitchell. Full details are available from Messrs. Adlards Motors, 3, Keswick Road, Putney, S.W.15.