

Things are becoming very brisk from now on, and the following notes outline the circumstances of the more important events :

Veteran C.C. Rally & Trial—June 18th

Competitors will rally to the Bell House, Beaconsfield, by 12 noon. Four classes will be instituted, covering 25, 50, 100 and 150 miles, respectively. At 1.15 p.m. cars will be dispatched on a trial route. Cars up to 1900 will do 31 miles at 20 m.p.h. and 1901-4 cars 40 miles at this average, including climbs of Aston and Seer hills. Entries, at 7/6 per car, closed on June 8th.

London Grand Prix—June 25th usual

On the International calendar, the usual excellent short races should result. The heats, under group handicap, will be run over 16 laps of the Crystal Palace circuit and the final over 32 laps, equal to 64

miles. The heat winners will receive £25 each and the outright winner Z,150. Single fee entries closed on June 1st.

Hefts County Speed Trials—June 26th

What should be very interesting speed trials will be held by the Berkhamsted


The shortage of speed trial venues that was so painfully evident following the Public Roads Ban of 1925 has .practically cleared. The latest venue is the new Coventry By-Pass, where the Midland Automobile Club hopes to hold speed trials on J uly lath, if the Coventry Cor

and D. M.C. and Herts County A. 8z A.C. at an entirely new one-third mile course near Hemel Hempstead on Sunday, June 26th, Details from : N. C. Lone, Saracen’s Head, London Road, Dunstable, Beds.

J.C.C. Members’ Day, BrooklandsJuly 2nd

That very excellent annual institution, the Junior Car Club’s Brooklands Meeting, will, as before, comprise One Hour High Speed Trials over a course which adequately tests braking, stability and

acceleration. Different schedule speeds will be set according to class and the attainment of a Premier Award calls for a good motor. The afternoon part of the programme will be devoted to a series of one and two

lap races over the outer circuit. Only sports-type or touring cars may compete.

Prescott Open Hill Climb—July 3rd

On Sunday, July 3rd, the Bugatti Owners’ Club hold the first open speed hill-climb at Prescott and nearly everyone to whom we have spoken of it seems determined to be present. There is a prize of £50 for fastest time of the day. Arthur Baron’s record is likely to be low poration agrees. The road is a twin

track concrete highway with bends. If the fixture materialises it will presumably take the place of the Madresfield speed trials.


The positions for the B.R.D.C. road and track ” Stars” at the end of May were : ered if the course is dry, and an exceptionally good entry is certain in both sports. and racing classes. Spectators’ facilities. are admirable and admission costs only

2/6. Prescott is easily reached from. Cheltenham, and is 90 miles from London. Practice will occupy July 2nd.

Ford Enthusiasts’ Club Croydon Rally July 17th

Another closed invitation meeting will be held at the Autodromes School of Driving, South Croydon, on Sunday, July 17th. Provisionally, the J.C.C., M.G. C.C., N.W. L.M.C., Kentish Border C.C. and Essex Ford Owners’ clubs have been extended invitations to compete. Six or so special tests will be run through. one after another, two attempts being allowed, and the popular acceleration test, where the faster cars attain considerable velocities, will be retained. The entry fees will be 10/per car for members, 12/6 per car for non-members of the F.E.C., and the awards will be of the former

high standard. Racing-type cars will not be eligible. • The ground offers excellent facilities for spectators and efforts. will be made to display the times recorded in each test. Details from : S. H. Allard, 15, Millbrooke Court, Putney, S.W.15. (Putney 2333). Road Star : ” B. Bira,” 44) points. Percy Maclure, 17; Arthur Dobsorl,

Track Star : C. D. Baker-Carr, 8 points ; Oliver Bertram and St. J. Horsfall, 6 ; Charles Brackenbury, 4.

For the Brooklands Instone Trophy Alaclure led with 10 points, Mays had 8. and ” Bira ” 7.