the s.v. aston-martin




I was interested to read the article which appeared in the April issue of MOTOR SPORT on the side-valve AstonMartin, as I was recently fortunate enough to obtain an exceptionally wellkept model of this type. The history of the car is particularly interesting in that the original owner kept it almost regardless of cost from 1923 until the end of 1930. After lying idle for a few months, the car was eventually purchased and brought to a local garage by an enthusiast who spent money having it generally overhauled with a view to using it as a trials vehicle. Hence the competition tyres on the rear wheels. The car never saw active service, however, until it came into my hands, having meantime had new wheels and tyres fitted all round, the brakes relined, the clutch rebuilt and many other additions and improvements made besides. I have since had it re-cellulosed and re-upholstered, and for appearance it now compares

favourably with any modern car. should point out that the body is not the original, the old four-seater tourer having been replaced in 1928 by the present threeseater cloverleaf. The gear ratios with the present tyresballon type 475 x 17—are approximately 14.8, 7.8, 5.4 and 4 to 1, and the speeds

on the gears are I 1st 19, 2nd 35, 3rd 49, and top 67, a performance which for a 15-year-old car is very creditable. I am certain, however, that with one or two small adjustments to the engine, 70 m.p.h. is not outside her scope. The roadholding at all speeds is indeed remarkable, being far in advance of many modern cars I have driven. The braking system is not all that could be desired, in that the foot pedal operates the front brakes only, and the hand lever the rear only, a point to be remedied in

due course. The Hele-Shaw clutch, judged by modern standards, is not really as efficient as a clutch can be, as its fierceness makes the get-away rather difficult, and the steering lock, as stated in your April issue, is rather limited, which at times is a slight disadvantage, but I believe that this too can be rectified.

In every other respect, however, this car bears the hall-mark of the thoroughbred and there is as yet no indication that she is nearing the end of her career. I am, Yours etc.,

GORDON D. GREEN. Thornton Heath,


Unfortunately, owing to pressure of space we have had to leave out many letters from our Readers. These will be published in our next month’s issue.